Monday, May 21, 2007

Weekend report

Another fully packed weekend for us. We started Saturday morning early with a trip into the heart of Frankfurt’s shopping district to pick up some Japanese tatami sandals for Chris. Then we headed to Wiesbaden to get Daniel’s haircut and meet Chris, Florian and Alice and Daniel’s father.
We got back to Frankfurt with just enough time to make a quick dinner before meeting Steve and Kelly to go to the Lemonheads concert at the Batschkapp. Before the concert started, we tried to come up with at least one Lemonheads song, but none of us could think of one besides their cover of Mrs Robinson (actually I did say “It’s a shame about Ray”, which is one, but I was just guessing). Anyway, walking in and being faced with the opening band reminded me that I should have brought earplugs (thankfully they were giving them away at the bar) and that concerts of this type are hot and uncomfortable (having to stand and being bumped into by drunks moshing). I did recognize 1 song “If I could talk, I’d tell you” and realized only later when I googled the Lemonheads that I actually owned the CD “Car, Button, Cloth” in college. It was fun to hang out with Steve and Kelly. Don’t leave us you two!!
Sunday we met Tracy and Nebyat to go to a Frankfurt Galaxy American football game. Tracy’s husband Marshall works for NFL Europe and got us in for free. Nebyat did not even know what a football looked like (she is from Eritrea), and Daniel thought that football had innings, which meant that we had to do a lot of explaining during the game. I never knew I was such a football expert! Frankfurt pounded Berlin 35-7 so we saw a lot of end zone action. Afterwards we rounded out the American experience by eating hamburgers with Tracy and Marshall at NYC. Great burgers, bad service.
I finished my latest read, “Mirror, Mirror” by Gregory Maguire. He takes fairytales and gives them a historical basis, thus, this book was about Bianca de Nevada (Snow White) and how she really lived in early 16th century Italy. I usually like such fairytale retellings, but I found this way too bizarre and vague.
I am really busy with work this week, so if I don’t post before Friday, I may not be able to post again until we get back from Africa on June 3rd. So remember everyone, our 1 year wedding anniversary is Sunday May 27th and my birthday is May 31st.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a busy weekend. And you a football expert? I love it! I didn't know you were going to Africa, so have a safe and wonderful trip. I can't believe it's almost your one-year anniversary! Time sure flies. Congrats, and happy birthday too my dear! Love you!


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