Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Farewell to Steve

So we've said goodbye to many good friends over the past couple of years...

Jeremy moved to London, Chris moved to Cologne (and maybe we'd even see him more often if he wasn't always going to the Congo), Heather moved to D.C. in January, Kelly moved to D.C. this summer and now Steve is going (to D.C. of course, you did see that they got married?).

For his last evening, we went to the Greek restaurant near his place in Dornbusch which he calls Giorgio's (not the real name). Giorgio got so excited when I recited the "bean soup poem" my mother taught me in Greek - it was so cute. Anyway, we had good food and great conversation. We're going to miss you Steve!

See you in D.C. at the end of October...

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