Wednesday, February 27, 2008

8 years in Germany

On February 27, 2000 I moved to Germany, expecting to stay 6 months. I spent a week at a bed and breakfast in Westend before starting my internship at McCann Erickson. My friend Camilla from Amsterdam came to stay with me and we explored Frankfurt and environs.

My first day at McCann was March 6th and that's when I met Daniel - the main reason I am still here :)


  1. I knew you'd been in Germany a long time, but I didn't realize it was 8 years. When are you moving to the states? Ever? Miss you!

  2. Congratulations!
    When are you going to apply for citizenship?

  3. Food Allergies and Food Intolerance: The Complete Guide to Their Identification and Treatment (Paperback)

  4. Wow--that is a long time, Lenore. It's hard to believe that you moved there so shortly after graduation from much has happened in our lives since then, huh?

    Blessings on you and Daniel,
    Gina and Curby


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