Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (2)

For the second edition of Library Thing Tuesday (which is now officially called Tuesday Thingers), we were asked about discussion groups. Specifically: "Do you belong to any (besides Early Reviewers)? Approximately how many? Are there any in particular that you participate in more avidly? How often do you check?"

If we are talking about book discussion groups, then I'd have to say there are about 5 I check on a regular basis (LT Early Reviewers, LT YA Lit, BookDivas, B&N, RB). I also have stored about 30 book blogs in my favorites that I check 2-3 times a week to see what's new. I love leaving comments and entering contests. I even won my first contest over at Reviewer X's blog (which I love!) - a copy of Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty by Jody Gehrman (which already came). I also won a cherry phone charm at Linda Gerber's online launch party (what a great idea!) to celebrate the debut of her book Death by Bikini (looks like a fun read).

Do you enter online contests? And if so, have you won any?

Here are some to check out:

Megan is giving away an ARC copy of Otherspace by David Stahler, Jr if you give her a suggestion of a book to read by May 31st. CONTEST ENDED.

Devourerofbooks is having a contest to celebrate her 100th post. Leave a comment telling her which of any books she's reviewed you'd like to receive by June 18th. CONTEST ENDED.

Bookroomreviews is giving away an ARC copy of Broken Angel by Sigmond Brauwer (christian dystopia - sounds exciting!) and Mrs. Perfect by Jane Porter. Just post this Pay it Forward icon on your blog by May 30th and leave a comment. CONTEST ENDED.

Lori is also doing a Pay it Forward giveaway of 5 brand new books. Enter by May 30th by leaving a comment. CONTEST ENDED (and I won - YAY!).

Bookshipper has her own Pay it Forward of an ARC of The Flirt by Kathleen Tessaro. Leave a comment by May 30th! CONTEST ENDED.


  1. Hi Lenore! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am in BN's First Look too so I'll look for you there as well as early reviewers!

    I do enter contests and have won a lot of them since I started blogging 8 months ago!

  2. Hi Lenore, I have a book giveaway going right now but so far I haven't won any, but I have only been blogging for a month or so.

  3. Only on-line competition I have entered was on Librarything which was to review the last Harry Potter...and I won $50!

    Yes the name...much preferred LT Tuesdays

  4. sounds like you've been having great good luck with all those contests!

  5. Contests are certainly fun :) And addictive!! I confess to be lazy though, and only like to comment about contests as opposed to blogging about them or posting pictures... (okay well the pictures thing is only because I have yet to figure out how to really post a picture!)

  6. I haven't entered any online contests, not yet anyway, but now that I know they're out there I think I'll make a start. I suppose if you count Eearly Reviewers then I've won one book back in March.

  7. I like contests :] Well, I guess you could tell already.

    Thanks for entering and posting about my contest :]

  8. You should definitely get The Host. It was sooo good!

  9. thanks for stopping by my blog, and thanks so much for the list of contests. I'm always happy to get more books - even if my TBR pile already threatens to topple over!

  10. I've also just added you to my LibraryThing Bloggers page, so drop by to make sure your name and link are correct :)


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.