Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (4)

Today's Tuesday Thingers question is: Why LT? Why did you choose to open and maintain an LT account? Do you/did you use other online cataloging/social networking sites, like GoodReads or Shelfari? Do you use more than one? Are they different or do they serve different purposes?

My answer:
When I typed in ARCs in google, LT was one of the search results. I loved the idea of the ER program and I loved the tonality of the site (favorite line: If the buzz page doesn't convince you, you cannot be convinced. Go away.) So I signed up and lucked out my first time requesting a book. I spent a few hours entering books and book reviews to convince the ER team I was a responsible reviewer and then got hooked! But my favorite part of the site has to be the ER group and the community that participates there - you guys are great. I probably check the message boards 4 times a day seeing if anyone has posted about ARCs, is offering their ARC in a bookray, or is posting links to a great new book blog for me to check out (as if I didn't spend enough time on the Internet).

I did stop by Shelfari a while back, and may have even joined, but it somehow didn't hook me, so I haven't been back. I hadn't heard about GoodReads until today, but it sounds like I better stay away :)


  1. I like the ER too. I got a book on the second time I tried, but haven't had another one. Better luck this time maybe.

  2. Er is a great program! I'm waiting for my 4th book, so all I can see is keep trying.

    I'm not a big fan of GoodReads, although I know some people who love it. If you want to get emails telling you what your friends are reading (or what they've added to their library), it's great. Otherwise? Eh.

  3. Like the two who posted before, the ER program is the best! LT, if I am not mistaken, was the original virtual bookshelf.

  4. we have very similar opinions of LT, Shelfari and GoodReads (which was new to me, too, as of today!). The ER program is great, and it's spun into other projects for me.

  5. I agree with you about getting hooked by free books:)

  6. I only found out about the free ARCs after I joined LT and I am so glad that I did! Who can say no to free books? :)

  7. I think I read about 90 books in 2006. In contrast, I I think there were maybe 20 in 2007 and only 8 so far in 2008. I'm not sure when I slowed down so much (or, I guess, how I sped *up* so much in 2006), but it was quite the year...

    Anyway, it's ok- reading hasn't left me, it's just only one activity in my life now, I suppose :-)

  8. oh, I love the ERs!!! I am reading Love Marriage right now, and it is fascinating. It really is a nice way to get books, and help by reviewing them.

  9. Yes the ER are a hook has managed to have one virtually every month


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