Monday, August 11, 2008

Book Review: Death by Latte by Linda Gerber

This second book in the Death by…mystery series finds Aphra Connolly flying to Seattle to visit her mother who she hasn’t seen in 4 years. Only, her mother didn’t know she was coming, and doesn’t seem the least bit happy to see her. Then her mother’s partner turns up dead (killed by the titular cup of joe), Death by Bikini love interest Seth shows up unexpectedly and they all end up on the run, unsure of who they can trust and who exactly is trying to kill them…

This exciting installment features non-stop thrills and leaves you guessing right up until the end. In between all the action, there are a few tender scenes between Aphra and Seth and between Aphra and her mother – both relationships that came off as very authentic. It ends on a HUGE cliffhanger that I was totally unprepared for, and book 3, Death by Denim can’t come soon enough for this impatient reader.

Death By Latte will be in stores September 18th.


  1. you've been tagged! =D

  2. I've seen Death by Bikini at my local bookstore so many times and I always tell myself that I'm going to pick it up someday. I'll definitely snag it the next time I'm there. Thanks for the review!

  3. I'm going to have to check out these books!

  4. Sounds great. I need to check out this series. I'm putting them on my tbr list. Thanks for a great review.

  5. I loved Death by Bikini and I can't wait to read this one!

  6. ohh sounds so exciting. i have yet to read the first one, but i'm planning too! i'm glad this one sounds just as great.

    sorry about the cliffhanger!! those are always awful, huh? LOL


  7. Oh my God! This book seems even better than the first book in the series! So full of mystery and action. I haven't got the chance to read Death by Bikini yet, but I definitely will in the near future, and then I'm going to read Death by Latte!

  8. This sounds like a really cool series I'm gonna have to add this to my wish list.

  9. Few YA books pull off authentic teen relationships - so that you said this one accomplished that makes me even more intrigued to read it!

  10. "It ends on a HUGE cliffhanger that I was totally unprepared for, and book 3, Death by Denim can’t come soon enough for this impatient reader."

    This is exactly why I try not to read series until the whole thing is released. I can't STAND to wait.

    :::praying for patience:::

  11. The plot thickens! Yes, this one sounds good too...perhaps even better than the first.


  12. this series really sounds good, i am definitely putting it on my list!

  13. Mystery in Seattle, what could be better?

  14. I still have not read Death by Bikini, but I heard this is even better than the first!

  15. I have this one but I can't read it until I read the first one!

    Looks really good (like the first one).



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