Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (13) + Emmy pic!

Today's question is: what other weekly memes or round robins do you participate in? Is this the only one? Why Tuesday Thingers and not some other weekly Tuesday meme? Or do you do more than one?

My answer: Tuesday Thingers is my only weekly meme and I started doing it because I was there when it was being formed. I've continued it because I really like the LT blogging community. I've seen other ones that I enjoy reading on others blogs, but for some reason, I never felt the urge to join in. Maybe it's because I'm such a free spirit, I don't want to be tied down to too many obligations. I also rarely join challenges. I've joined the 1001 Books to Read Before you Die challege, the 48 hr Read-a-thon, and the July Book Blowout, but that's it so far. There are still a couple of memes that people have passed on to me that I still haven't done (but I'm getting to them!).

And now for the latest pic of miss emmy! This was taken a couple of days ago, but I saved it for today. Like most cats, emmy sleeps all day and then gets really active in the evening. I told Daniel we needed to wear her out so she wouldn't jump on us all night long, and this was what happened next:


  1. OMG - this cat is amazing. unbelievable. wonderful pic!
    good to see you are back. hope to see you soon (i am sick currently...)
    take care, jay

  2. That's a hilarious picture. I have to say, she looks quite miffed...

  3. Love the pic and your cat's expression. :)

  4. Wow! Does the cat like that?

  5. Emmy looks like she's on the ceiling! What a great pic. =)

  6. Love the photo!

    I'm such a mood reader that I just can't join any of the challenges. I don't want to commit myself in any size, shape or form to which books I'll be reading. It means I'm a free spirit, too...or I shy away from commitments! LOL

  7. You can do anything with emmy - she loves being brushed (twice a day - she purrs!), doesn't mind getting her claws cut, will ride around on your shoulders all day if you let her, and didn't protest the least bit when we threw her in the air (though, yes, her expression shows she was less than enthused about it - ha!).

    She doesn't like dogs, but she's fascinated by lightening/thunder storms and watches them out the window.

  8. I'm another who joined the Tuesday Thingers group essentially because I was there when it was being formed. :-)

  9. OMG I love the pic! Your cat is adorable!

  10. Emmy is a beautiful cat. This picture is just awesome!

  11. I absolutely love Emmy! reminds me so much off my cat that I had to give to my sister due to allergies.

  12. Love the kitty. She needs an extra helping of catnip for the photo session. :)

  13. We play toss the cat sometimes :) Although we toss him onto the couch so we don't get scratched on the way back down. He likes it though! He comes right back to get tossed again lol.

  14. The picture of Emmy cracks me up! She sounds like quite the kitty cat!

  15. LOL - what a GREAT photo!! I wouldn't dare do that to Gizmo (even though, like Emmy, she likes to jump on me at night)...she'd come down with all her claws out!! *giggling*

  16. Oh you have me laughing! Great pic!

  17. were any animals harmed in the taking of that pic? I guess not

    If you're interested, there's a brand new version of Arukiyomi's 1001 books spreadsheet. Along with some cool new features, there are lists of both the revised 1001 books and those that were removed from the new 2008 list.

    To get your free copy of the spreadsheet, head over to Arukiyomi's blog.

    Happy reading!


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