Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (15)

Today's question: LT and RL (real life)- do you have friends in real life that you met through LibraryThing? Have you attended any LT meet-ups in your area? Would you be open to attending meet-ups or is LT strictly an online thing for you?

I haven’t yet met any LT friends in RL and none of my RL friends is on LT (despite my urging), but I’d be totally open to meeting up.

I’ve actually met a lot of online friends in person and a few have even become best friends, Steve and Jeremy for example. I’ve had a ton of people contact me through my Virtual Tourist profile or through SCBWI and a lot of times we meet up for a drink or dinner. Just last week we had a lovely dinner with South African SCBWI advisor Jenny Hatton and her husband and she brought us 3 South African picture books and two YA novels.

Naturally, we’ve met a lot of interesting people this way. Like Wiley who sleeps in airports all over the world and has a photographic memory of every airline meal he’s ever eaten. Or the US military guy who was on leave from his post in Afghanistan who stood me up because he thought an enemy Afghani was tracking him and he didn’t want me to end up as collateral damage. Or Mei from China, a wedding photographer who came all the way to Kansas to attend and photograph my wedding (they turned out great by the way).




Win a signed copy of Penelope Przekop's Abberations at Bookish Ruth. Ends August 31st.

Fashion Piranha is having a Neil Gaiman extravaganza. Enter by August 31st.


  1. Wow! It sounds like you have a fun life.

  2. You are definitely more adventurous than I am! I tend not to be very social online, but I'd be open to meeting LT friends since we already have one important thing in common.

  3. Your online friends sound so interesting! It must be fun to have such a variety of people waiting to meet you.

  4. Yes, reminds me of an friend's gay date with someone from the army, apart from getting totally wrecked the man burst into tears when they were in bed crying about the friends he had lost at an peak moment of the night.

    Then the next day sent emails saying that if his cover was blown he would have to take...action.

    He was one very mixed up guy.

  5. How cool for you! What is SCBWI?

  6. SCBWI is the Society of Children Book Writers and Illustrators.

  7. Love your answer! It sounds as though you've met some amazing people online.

  8. Hey!

    I know you've probably already been nominated, but I just wanted to nominate you for the weblog award since I love your blog! =D


    best wishes,

  9. Great post, Lenore! But, hey, where are the pics of Emmy this week?!

  10. sadly, we did not catch emmy in any funny poses last week. but we'll try harder this week.

  11. I like meeting people from all over, too. I don't get much of an opportunity, but I grab it when I can.

  12. Meeting people all over - that is just way cool!

  13. You know, I haven't really met anyone through Library Thing at all -- I guess I'm not very social on it. I've sent out a few random messages.

    I did once fly (my first and only time on an airplane) to meet a bunch of great ladies I met on a message board once and had the best time ever.

    However, I wonder what a Library Thing meetup would be like?

  14. It sounds like you could write a book about all of your meetings and encounters over the years. I'd definitely read it. :-)

  15. you have met quite a few interesting people! that's great. i'm not on library thing, so that doesn't apply to me, but i have met some great internet friends as well and it's amazing, but i must say not quite as eccentric or varies as yours...but that's great!!!



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