Thursday, September 4, 2008

Big Splash Winners!

Thank you everyone for sharing your middle school memories and entering the Big Splash contest. The winners of a signed hardcover, chosen at random using, are:

Lauren from ShootingStarsMag (the top commenter)
Linda J from Linda's Sunflower
April from Cafe of Dreams

Congrats! Please get back to me within 48 hrs or so with your addresses so I can pass them on to Jack Ferraiolo. And if you didn't win, I hope you will still buy/borrow/steal (j/k) this awesome book and read it soon. If you've never even heard of it, read my review and author interview here.


  1. Ohhhh!! I am so excited and thrilled to death!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!

  2. WOO HOO!!!! THANKS!!!! You know where to find me!

  3. How exciting! And I was the top commenter? AW...even better. Thanks so much Lenore!



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