Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (18) + Pic of Emmy

Question for today:
Awards. Do you follow any particular book awards? Do you ever choose books based on awards? What award-winning books do you have? (Off the top of your head only- no need to look this up- it would take all day!) What's your favorite award-winning book?

If a book wins an award, it might get me to look at it twice but it is not a main criteria. I have read some award winning books that I did not think were all that great.

I do follow the Man Booker Prize and was kind of upset when Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell was shoortlisted but did not win in 2004 and when Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro was shortlisted but did not win in 2005 as these are two of my favorite books. I did read the 2006 winner, Kiran Desai's The Inheritance of Loss but only found it average. Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones was on the 2007 shortlist and I bought it recently but have not started yet.

I also keep my eye on Newberry Medal winners and Louis Sachar's Holes is a favorite that won it recently (1999).

1964's Caldecott winner was Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak and 2008's was The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick.


Look what crazy kitty was up to this week:

It is a good advertisment for Special K!


  1. I love your crazy kitty!

  2. It must be the Special K that keeps her so slim and trim that she can fit into the box! ;o)

  3. Love the pics of your cat! I was also disappointed that Cloud Atlas didn't win.

  4. Kittens are a laugh a minute! Emmy continues to entertain us!

  5. Lenore, those pics of Emmy are beyond priceless. How adorable! I just want to give her a big squeeze.

  6. She ate so much she fell asleep inside the box...that would be a fantastic commercial spot for Special K, though I think they are trying to promote dieting...and eating a whole box in one sitting (as this implies) may not be what they are after. LOL

    Kitty is cute though!

  7. Lol. You ought to submit it to LolCats. Special kitty in special k

  8. Your cat is so cute! I love how relaxed she is in the Special K box.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I actually do follow awards, but not to judge books solely by them. I have just become very interested in how MANY awards there are out there. It's a new secret passion of mine to see how many I can find (the Golden Kite award is the most recent to my repetoire). I don't usually buy a book just because it has an award, but I must admit, it certainly does perk up my interest. Like with House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, for example. It had three huge gold stickers on it, showing how many awards it won. I definitely stopped mid-stride and rounded over to it, read the flap, read the book and fell in love with it (then I bought it). I'm not sure I would have noticed the book so much if it hadn't had those awards on it. Just food for thought.

    (and I love your cat. You should send them into Special K, just for fun).

  11. Lenore - like you, the award lists gets my attention, but doesn't ultimately decide my reading list.

    I'm sending a link to the Special-Emmy-K pics to my Mum; they had a Himalayan and will enjoy her photo shoot :)

  12. Hahaha your cat is crazy!

    I follow some awards but do not judge books on awards only. However IMO Where the Wild Things Are should win every award for books there is!

  13. Just know that those photos really brighten my day! :) Thank you!!

  14. OMG! Your cat is hilarious and so so cute. I really want a cat. :)

    I don't really pay attention to book awards. Honestly, I don't really know what the particular ones stand for....i know, i'm awful! LOL


  15. Seems like a lot of us have read some Newberry winners. I am loving the kitty pics.

  16. Hmmm, maybe I should start sleeping in a box too! That looks cozy!

  17. Those are the cutest pics of your kitty!!! :)

    You've been tagged for a reading meme:


  18. Awwww, that's completely adorable. I can't believe she actually fell asleep in there!

  19. Your cat pictures are great! I will have to check out the Booker award books as I have quite a few of the ones you mention...

  20. awww! I love all your pictures of Emmy!! Please keep posting them! :D

  21. Ahh, how cute! :) Now I'm gonna go empty my cereal box to see if my cat will sleep in it. :)

  22. The cat pics are sooooo cute. Reminds me of my gang.


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