Friday, October 3, 2008

My contribution to the Sorted Books Project

Jena at Muse Book Reviews posted about the sorted books project and I immediately began looking through my books so I could "write" some stories of my own.

Here's my favorite from the project:

And here is my horror story 1 (featuring books by Martha Peace, Linda Fairstein, Laura Moriarty, and Janice Galloway):

And horror story 2 (featuring books from Katherine Neville, Gregory Maguire, Matt Ruff, Augusten Burroughs, Lois Duncan and Doris Lessing):

Anyone else want to join in the fun?

I'll keep a link list here of those that do:

A sad story from Kristin of We Be Reading

A romantic story from Alea at Pop Culture Junkie

A few good ones from Jeane at Dog Ear Diary

Two from Rol at Sunset over Slawit

A thriller from Inchy at Punch It Chewie!


  1. Those are really good! Ha, I think I'm just going to have to try this myself now.

  2. Those are hilarious. I will have to take a look at my bookshelf.

  3. Now I may just have to check out my own shelves!

  4. very nicely done! I really wish my books weren't all packed away for the next few weeks... :(

  5. Thanks all - I want to try some with children's picture books next. Let's see if I can come up with any funny ones.

    Please let me know if you end up doing some, I'd love to see them.

  6. Love these! I'll have to try this myself too!

  7. I saw this earlier in the week, but haven't had a chance to play around with my books... your Sorted Books are fantastic!

    I'm inspired to spend some time sorting over the weekend.

  8. That's an awesome idea, i love yours!

  9. I was inspired by you and made a stack of my own. Check it out on my site.

    I think I would also like to try and make a funny one too!

  10. Ha! It took me a second but these are so cute! I'll have to try to think of one but I'm not too terribly creative.

  11. Well done. They're quite funny as well.

  12. Hehe! I did a silly one for you!

    I hope other people do some, it's so much fun guys! I totally made a wreck in my room doing this but it was worth it!

  13. Nice! :-) How fun. I'm going to have to try that.

  14. That's a cool idea. I'll have to examine my library and see what I can come up with.

  15. Love this idea! I am going to have to take a look at my shelves!

  16. Oh, I'm so glad you did this--I saw this last week and thought it was cool, then forgot. I'm going to have to try one. I'll let you know if I get it together.

  17. those are awesome!
    I love this idea :)
    I thought the monkeys one was especially creepy

  18. My best efforts are here...


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