Sunday, October 26, 2008

November is a HUGE giveaway month!

November is just around the corner and it's going to be a huge book giveaway month at presenting lenore!

Not only am I going to be participating in The Book Giveaway Carnival from November 3-8 at with over 70 other book bloggers, I'm also going to be giving away books all month long. Here are just some of the books I'll be giving away:

(2) signed copies of Cecelia Ahern's Thanks for the Memories (April 2009) - Congrats to Janie and WordLily

(1) copy of Aurelia by Anne Osterlund (April 2008) - Congrats to Carol (unconfirmed)

(1) copy of Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber (May 2008) - Congrats to Cynthia

(1) copy of You are so undead to me by Stacey Jay (March 2009) Congrats to Shalonda

(2) copies of Beautiful Americans by Lucy Silag (January 2009) - Congrats to Kelsey & Amber

(1) copy of Schooled by Anisha Lakhani (August 2008) - Congrats to Mari

(1) signed set of Libby Bray's Gemma Doyle trilogy!! Congrats to Keri (unconfirmed)

and more!


(5) copies of Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway - Congrats to Yan, Carolina, Kimberly Derting, Simply Megan and Book Lover Lisa

(5) copies of Chalice by Robin McKinley - Congrats to Jana, S. Krishna, Jeane and AC and Cuileann

(1) box of at least 6 YA books from Penguin in a "Publicist's Choice" prize pack - Congrats to Allison (unconfirmed)

There will be a separate entry post for each contest, and some will be instant win (meaning that the first person to "claim" the book will get it), so it pays to become a follower of my blog (see sidebar) or to subscribe to my blog. Some giveaways will even be open worldwide. NOTE: Regardless of when winners are announced, I will be sending all books the week of December 15th.

If you are an author that would like to donate bookmarks or promotional items to send along to the winners, please let me know at lenoreva AT hotmail DOT com.


  1. WOW, so many great books!!! I can't wait until November..

  2. I will hope for a bit of luck....


  3. WOW!!!!!!! It's so exciting!!!

  4. These are some fantastic books! Wow. I'm participating in the BookRoom Reviews giveaway as well.

  5. Wow, that is going to be some month Lenore. Awesome!

  6. WOW! You got some great books there! Want want Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber, You are so undead to me by Stacey Jay, and Beautiful Americans by Lucy Silag, Those books sound amazing. I can't wish for anything but luck now!

  7. Very cool! I'll be following along closely. Those books look tasty.

  8. Awesome bunch of books you've got there, I can't wait to read You Are So Undead To Me.

  9. OHH exciting. Hopefully I'll be lucky. I really want to read Death by bikini, beautiful americans, and schooled.

    By the way, you won the auction. I posted it on the blog with the donation link and all that jazz. :)


  10. Wow - this looks amazing! I am especially hoping to win Beautiful Americans and/or Aurelia. Plus...I am living in Germany at the moment :) So shipping would not be too much for you! I have been pining to read Aurelia for a while and have heard such great things about it. And I just looked up Beautiful Americans on Amazon and it really speaks to me because I am currently a foreign exchange student myself...what a coincidence!

  11. November can't come any too soon! I would be happy to win ANY of the books!

  12. Awesome! Sounds fun :)

  13. I will keep an eye on this contest-sounds great! I love Cecelia Ahern

  14. WOW! What an awesome giveaway! You rock!!

  15. Book giveaways open worldwide? I'm there!


    your fellow kidlitospherian in the Philippines ;)

  16. interested thank you for sharing

  17. WOW! I will be checking back. Thanks for letting us know!

  18. OOH Libby Bray signed trilogy has my name on it:) LOL

  19. sounds like fun will definately come back

  20. OK, you totally just convinced me to start following your blog!


  21. Glad i am a follower. Lots of books I want to read. :)


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