Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Waiting On Wednesday (2) The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

Been seeing this one around the blogosphere a bit and I love the cover. Plus it's is a post-apocolyptic love story set in the wake of a zombie-creating global virus. And really, aren't those the best kind of love stories?

Here's a summary (edited down), taken from Author Carrie Ryan's actual query letter to her agent (read the whole letter at Fangs, Fur and Fey):

Generations after the zombie apocalypse known as The Return, Mary's life is as circumscribed by her community's strict religion as it is by the fences that form her village's only defense against the hordes of the undead -- the Unconsecrated -- who dwell in the surrounding forest.

When the Unconsecrated breach the fences and overrun the village, Mary has to brave the deadly Forest in an attempt to discover if there is a world beyond the Forest of Hands and Teeth.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth is not coming out until March 10, 2009 but lucky Sarah at Reading, Writing and Musing has a copy that she's reading RIGHT NOW! I hope she'll let us know how she likes it.

The book was also blurbed by none other than Scott Westerfeld (among others). He said "A post-apocalypse romance of the first order, elegantly written from title to last line." Read more about that at Carrie Ryan's blog right here.
Anyone else as excited about this as I am?

Want to see what other forthcoming books bloggers are lusting over or join in the fun yourself? Check out Waiting On Wednesday's host Jill's post for this week now.


  1. Sure -- but remind me. I'm a wee bit scattered lately.

  2. Aw! Thanks so much for the mention! I'm so excited that you're looking forward to it! I alternate between feeling like March is so far away and feeling like time is flying past too quickly and it will be here any day!

  3. I am so excited for this book!! You are so right that post-apocalyptic-love-stories are the best kind :)
    Seriously though, I will be first in line to buy this one.

  4. Sarah - will do!

    The fab author herself - thanks for stopping by. March can't come quickly enough for me!

    Book Zombie - you'll have to fight me for that first place in line :)

  5. I really like the cover and title. Reading the summary I couldn't help but think of the movie the Village, which I loved even though it was pretty creepy!

  6. Alea - yeah I was thinking The Village crossed with 28 Days Later or Resident Evil.

  7. Sounds like a good one. And I'm with you.. Love the cover. :)

  8. Lenore- Haven't seen the other two... don't like horror movies really but 28 Days Later does sound kind of interesting. Shaun of the Dead is more my kind of zombie movie ;)

  9. 28 Days Later is more of a thriller with zombies than horror. And Resident Evil isn't as scary (or bad) as it sounds. I actually enjoyed it, and I am not that into scary movies.

  10. May have to add to my netflix queue thanks...!

  11. I like the cover too! I'll have to add it to my wishlist.... well, maybe. Zombies freak me out!

  12. Ladytink - I'm definitely curious as to how scary these zombies are going to be. Can't wait to find out!

  13. oh that book sounds so good. I love zombies.

  14. I left you an award here:

  15. I want this one too! It looks wonderful. If it has zombies, it has to be wonderful. Zombies make everything better.

  16. It sounds like a great book, although I haven't read anything that has zombies in it lately. The cover is beautiful.

  17. Reaction/review here:

    It'll be on my blog this Saturday.

  18. Sounds awesome Sarah! Looks like I'm going to have to hassle someone to get it too :) CAN'T WAIT TIL MARCH!!

  19. Ewww! Sounds so good and so gross! Great read for October too. I'll also be looking for that one in March. Love your blog!


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