Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Waiting On Wednesday (6) The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb

Host Jill of Breaking the Spine asks us every week to talk about one book we are really looking forward to. My pick this week is Laura Whitcomb's The Fetch, coming February 2009. Check out this book description and just try not to get excited:

Calder is a Fetch, a death escort, the first of his kind to step from Heaven back to Earth. The first to fall in love with a mortal girl. But when he climbs backwards out of that Death Scene, into the chaos of the Russian Revolution, he tears a wound in the ghost realm, where the spirits begin a revolution of their own.

And I found this little tidbit on Laura's website:

Calder, like every Fetch, had only one name, but he had two ages: his Earth Years numbered nineteen and his Death Years numbered three hundred and thirty. Though it was no excuse for what he would do, for a Fetch, Calder was young. The Order of the Fetch, on the other hand, was old--it began when the ruins of the first garden could still be found hiding in the desert beside a river, a blanket of green having grown over her like a shroud, and, in this moist cave that was once Eden, at the heart of her darkness, the Tree of Knowledge bowed to the earth.

Sounds a bit like a mix between Meet Joe Black and The Book Thief and the Russian Revolution/Garden of Eden elements make it even more appealing to me. I've heard awesome things about Laura's previous book A Certain Slant of Light and I even managed to track down a signed copy on amazon. So that's actually TWO books I'm eager to read. Are you also excited about this one? What other forthcoming books are on your radar?


  1. Interesting... it sort of has that Bella and Edward piece too with Calder looking 19 but actually being 330!

  2. Sounds like a fascinating read! I hadn't heard of this one. Here's mine:

  3. Alea - You are right. I hadn't thought of that withe Edward and Bella, but that may also be because I haven't read the Twilight series (for shame).

    Lisa - I'll check yours out.

  4. Lenore- Yeah that probably wouldn't come instantly to your mind then! Are you going to read them you think?

  5. I will read Twilight and then see if I want to continue. I feel like I should give it a chance since so many love it. Though I may never read Harry Potter...

  6. Why not :( I think I like Harry Potter even more! That's exactly what I did too, tried to first one to be sure and then continued on with the series.

  7. I read the first few chapters of the first book and I just couldn't get into it. And now I take kind of perverse pleasure in the fact I haven't read it ;)

  8. I definitely know what you mean! I pretty much slept through the first Lord of the Rings movie. One day when i was bored a friend got me to try the second movie, it wasn't happening then either. So I'm saying NO to those!

  9. Good for you! While I personally have seen each of the three movies about 20 times each, I WILL NOT be sucked into seeing (or reading) The Hobbit.

  10. LOL. Is that the prequel? I don't even know!

  11. Yes, it's the story of that old hobbit who gave Frodo the ring.

  12. Hmm...what book am I looking forward to? I'm pretty excited to read the Tales of Beedle the Bard because I loved all the HP books. I'm addicted to The Luxe series and am eagerly awaiting the next in that series. Lisa Schroeder has a new book coming out called Far From You and seeing as I loved I Heart You, You Haunt Me, I'm eagerly awaiting her latest.

    I haven't read A Certain Slant of Light yet, but I've heard great things-and this one looks pretty good as well!

  13. I was kind of underwhelmed with A Certain Slant of Light - primarily because I found both of the leads to be kind of annoying and disingenuous. But I'm sure I'm in the minority, and it's certainly a cool premise - which this one sounds like it has as well.

  14. I'm not sure what I was excited about before, but I am definitely putting "The Fetch" on my TBR list.

  15. Wow! This sounds like a great book. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  16. Nice find! This is going right to the top of my wishlist :)


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