Thursday, November 6, 2008

Book Giveaway: Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber

I have an extra copy of Linda Gerber's Death by Bikini to give away this week. It's the first book in a YA mystery series that continues with Death by Latte (also out now) and Death by Denim (to be released May 2009 - I can't wait!).

Want the book? Then just comment on this post and tell me why you should be the winner. I will give one extra entry if you comment on my review of Death by Bikini here and one extra entry if you comment on my review of Death by Latte here.

Since this is part of the Book Giveaway carnival going on over at Book Room Reviews this week, all entries must be received by midnight CST on November 9th. Also open internationally - just indicate that on your entry. Good luck!

PLUS: Check out this post to see all the books I am giving away the rest of November and make sure you come back for them. Oh, and enter my contest for 1 of 2 signed copies of Thanks for the Memories by Cecelia Ahern if you haven't already.


  1. hey, this sounds like an interesting read. toss my name in the hat, pls. :)

  2. I've heard so many good things about this book but I haven't been able to read it yet!

  3. No need to enter me. I'm dropping in to let you know this is posted at Win a Book.

  4. I'd love to be entered in this one. Thanks. milou2ster(at)

  5. Why should I win? The idea of mewearing a bikini is certain death!

  6. This book sounds so good and thrilling! I've heard so many great things about all the books in the series, but I haven't got the chance to read any of them yet.
    I have seen some Death by Latte giveaways out there, but it would be much better to win the first book in the series!


    Oh, and I have commented on your reviews!

  7. I love the title, and I love a good mystery read, could i please be entered. thanks

  8. I have not heard of this one before but the review makes it sound like a great read! I have a 14 yo DD and we are always looking for great books to both read so that we can discuss them. This would be a great addition to the "book club" LOL. Thanks for the chance to enter!

  9. Please enter me in this contest .
    I commented on both of your reviews, Thanks

  10. Sounds great - glad international is ok, I'm in Europe!

  11. This sounds great. And after I read it I can pass it on to my daughter.

  12. First off, thanks for doing an international contest!
    Second off - I live in Israel, which makes it incredibly hard to get good new books. Also, the cover looks great! And the books sounds really good to.
    And also, I've read some great reviews for it.

    Hoping to get the book,

  13. Sounds interesting
    I'm from Canada

  14. Death by Latte is posted in my local bookstore as an owner's favorite. I don't want to read the 2nd in the series without reading the first one, so I would love to win this. Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. Sign me up please. :)
    I have been wanting to begin this series.

  16. Not that I need another series to read, but it sounds good! Sometimes I really like YA to lighten up a bit.

  17. I haven't been reading much YA lately, so I'd love to read this one!

  18. Sounds interesting and I love a good book! Thanks and have a great day!

  19. Sounds really nice.
    Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.

    avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

    BTW, I'm from Italy...

  20. wow! sounds very interesting!!!

    kiss-of-paradise at hotmail dot com

  21. Please enter me! I've been wanting to read this for awhile...and i'd already commented on both of those reviews..not sure if they count then, but oh well! I did!


  22. I read your review and know my niece would enjoy this book. Please enter me in your fun book drawing. Thanks, Cindi

  23. Sounds amazing :) Please enter me and thanks for the giveaway! I am Germany, as you already know :)

  24. Oh, and I commented on both your review for Death by Bikini and Death by Latte for two extra entries :)

  25. sounds like a great book. The title kind of makes you more curious about the book. I would love to read this. Please enter me.

  26. Sounds like it would be a good read. Love the title. Please enter me.

  27. Would love the chance to win this.

  28. OK, that title has me interested. Please enter me! Thanks.

    jgbeads AT gmail DOT com

  29. Lauren - I will count those as entries yes!

  30. I've been reading a ton of YA books lately. I'm always on the lookout for new-to-me authors, and I would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win it!

    zarache AT aol DOT com

  31. This sounds really interesting! Please enter me. Thanks!
    hematopoiesis at hotmail dot com

  32. I've been wanting to read this one1 Please enter me :)


  33. enter me pleaseeeee (: this book will change my life! hah just kidding but it looks like an amazing read. plus, i should win because i love lenore (:

  34. this book sounds great, count me in!

  35. I have no real reason why I should win -- unless "because I want it!" counts as a reason. :)

  36. I should totally win this book...I have Death by Latte but I haven't read this book yet and don't have the money to get it right now so I can't read the second book yet...Then I could read both books (and review them too since I feel bad just having the second one sitting there)

    and I live somewhere where people are wearing bikinis when (and where) it's very much not appropriate so I'm very intrigued by the title ;)


  37. I should win this book because my book shelf is looking empty!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  38. Love the title of this book!!!
    In fact my bikini is going to be the death of me!!! UGH!
    darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

  39. This sounds good! I should win this because I need a new series to read. Thanks for your contest, I've added it to my blog.

  40. I've been DYING to read this book! I saw it for about two weeks at my Barnes and Noble but never thought about reading it. But then I read your review and a few others and I what it was about. Of course by then my bookstore had run out and I've never seen it again. Please enter me!


  41. I didn't know it was just one of a series. I love when I find books that I can then go read all the rest of the series! I would LOVE this!

  42. I would like to win because the title sounds like me...if I wore a bikini in public I would die of for me it's Death By Bikini

  43. I love to read and the mystery is my favorite genre.


  44. I love to collect book with great covers and this one has a great cover. I could share it with my granddaughter also. enter my name in the contest

    florida982002@yahoo dot com

  45. I think I should win cuz I live in Florida, the land of bikinis and need to know how to steer clear of any death caused by bikinis, lol

    thanks for sharing

    ceashark at aol dot com

  46. Why should I read it? Hmm..because I'm poor and can't afford to buy it and my little library doesn't have it and I have no friends who like to read my books, and yeah, I've been waiting on this book - this series, forever.

  47. Why should I be the winner? Because I LOVE to read, and this book sounds like something that would be right down my alley. I read your reviews of Death by Bikini and Death by Latte. I don't know how you do it - I have a hard time re-telling a movie or book. So kudos to you!

    Thanks for the giveaway. If I win, please contact me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  48. I would love to win this book. I should win for the dozens of times that I have stood in front of a dressing room mirror and tried on bathing suits. Death By Bikini is something I can truly understand!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I been hearing a lot about this book & author and would love to read it =) :

  51. I am an avid mystery and adventure fan. Love your review! International is sweet..please enter me. :D

  52. i love ya, and i love mystery's and i can make book suggestions along the same line : jaffe's "bad kitty", johnsons's "devilish" (well it's fanatsy as well, but mystery is there also) AND i loved your reviews for the books!

    international would be great!

  53. I don't think that my 'to be read' pile is tall enough, so I think I should keep adding to it. And I understand the title!

  54. Thank you for having this. I would love to win. This sounds like something I could definitely get lost into after the kids go to bed. Thank you!

  55. I have this book on my list to read and I would love to read it!

    Stacy B.

  56. This is a new author/series for me, so I checked out your review. Sounds good!


  57. sounds like a good one by the review..please throw my name in

  58. Great giveaway! Please include me in your drawing.

    The series sounds fun, and I love to find great YA books my niece can read. I'd love to read it and review it on my blog, then share it with my niece - who promises to start adding her two cents on the YA reviews!

    :) Take care,

    Wendi wbarker (at)

  59. sounds like an interesting book.
    i have recently gotten back into reading after a couple years off... my daughter and i like to read together before going to bed.

  60. Mystery coupled with YA, what could be better. Add me please.

  61. I should be the winner because I have a surprising small amount of YA mysteries starring strong females in my library, and this book sounds like the exact thing I need. :D I'd love to read it!

    - Anastasia
    herebebooks AT

    (Going to comment on your review post now.)

  62. I would love to read this book. In fact, I visited the local bookstore this week and they were all sold out of this title! It is hard to find an interesting mystery, and I have heard nothing but good things about Death by Bikini.

  63. I won the second copy from Linda herself but I never got a chance to get the first one! I was so mad when I couldn't find it in my library and I have a tight budget so I didn't go out to buy it. But this is an amazing opportunity!

  64. wow, this looks interesting. would love to be entered, thankss


  65. I should be the winner because I need a good new book and this would fit the bill. Plus, I'm following your blog! Thanks for the giveaway!

  66. It would mean a lot if I was picked. Reading is my passion, it's something I can't live without. This book seems pretty interesting and many people have recommended it to me. Unfortunately where I live the library is really small and they barely have any good books to read, most are for small children or biographies. Not everything is exactly close in the town I live.
    Here's my email: dsym_06 at yahoo dot com


  67. Ah I've been really wanting to read this. Good luck everyone!
    the email is:
    the blog:

  68. The title alone makes me want to read it. :)

  69. I've wanted to read this book, thanks for the contest!


  70. Pick Me! Pick Me! I would love to win a book.

    It's very kind of you to offer such a great giveaway, it rare that I see giveaways for people like us (avid readers).

    Count me in too please.

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  71. this would be great for my daughter. Please count me in.

  72. I definitely want to read this one! Throw my name in the pile!

  73. I should win because I have the second book, Death by Latte and can't read it until I read the first one so this is a perfect opportunity. I commented on both reviews for extra entries. :)

    Thanks for the chance!

    whatvanessareads (at)


  74. I'd love to read it because it sounds like a good summery book to keep me warm this winter! acirucci(at)

  75. This looks really good, count me in. I can always use another book to read!

  76. I've seen this book on a few blogs and it looks pretty good. I'm always up for a fun mystery!

  77. My library needs a copy of this because Linda Gerber came to our career day last April, and when I ordered the book this summer, it didn't come in, so we still don't have a copy!

    Enjoyed your blog!


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