Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (26) + Pic of Emmy

Today's question: Work multiples. Do you own multiple copies of any books? Which ones? Why? Can you share your list?

I own three copies of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold. One is the Spanish language version which is still in storage in my father's garage so I can't say what edition it is. The second copy (Ballantine Mass Market Paperback 1984) I got in college from a used book store and the third copy (Penguin Trade Paperback 2007) I bought for Daniel to read not realizing I had the second copy...oops! Daniel seems to be finding a bit difficult (he's still on page 14) so maybe we'll be getting a fourth copy - in German.

Daniel has a beat up old copy of Tomi Ungerer's Die Drei Raueber (The Three Robbers) from his childhood and at the Frankfurt book fair I saw that Phaidon is doing a reprint English language version coming out in February 2009. I will definitely be getting this as Ungerer is awesome.

EDITED TO ADD: It seems I also have three copies of The Little Prince. One in French and two in German (I had one and Daniel had one). None in English though. And I also have a couple of language versions of Beauty and the Beast (Disney) including Danish, French, and English AND a couple of The Very Hungry Catepillar including Japanese, German and English.


Today we have a blast from the past - a picture of Emmy at 7 weeks old with her mother. Her mother is lilac point, but otherwise they look very similar! And Emmy still loves to do poses like this.


  1. I have a few see here.

    The most I have is two of each and none in a different language.

    Emmy and her mother are just beautiful.

  2. I don't have many duplicates, either. Emmy and her mother are so beautiful! I love Emmy's poses. She looks like she loves to show off.

  3. Good Morning Lenore! Heck if you only have one book that is a duplicate thats pretty good. Cute kitty picture. =)

  4. Aww what a soft bundle of love!

  5. I love the Emmy pics!

    Have a great week :)

  6. I own multiple copies of Ondaatje books. I have a first edition Running in the Family, hardcover, from the UK, a gift from my agent on the night I was nominated for an award. I have two more paperback copies, one I will lend and one I will not. I have two English Patients, too.

    In general, if I have a signed book, I often keep an unsigned copy. One is art and history. One is to be absorbed and shared.

  7. Emmy's mother was beautiful, too.

  8. I want your kitties!! :) well, I don't really think I could handle two more...but I love the long hair! We have three. One Seal point...she is an amazing cat!

  9. Did you like Chronicle of a Death Foretold? Have you read anything else by Garcia Marquez? I really struggle with him.


  10. Beth - That is a great idea. I have over 20 books that are signed, and I don't loan them out. I may have to buy extra copies.

    Bethany - We don't have Emmy's mother (Ally) - she lives at the breeder's (near Stuttgart).

    Shana - I do really like it. I've read Love in the Time of Cholera and short stories I (loved both) but I've never gotten past page 50 of One Hundred Years of Solitude. I really need to though!!!

  11. I've never considered picking up favorite books in other languages - I'll have to see if I can find a few.

    :) Wendi

    Here's my Thinger!

  12. Cool to have books in multiple languages! I do not own multiples of any books - I think I would give them away to friends/family if I did.

    Thanks for sharing though - interesting topic. And both Emmy and her mother are adorable :)

  13. I have multiple copies of the Harry Potter books, some in paperback some in hardcover. I think I also have a couple copies of From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler-which was my favorite book as a kid. Oh and I have two or three copies of Danny and the Dinosaur, which was the first book I learned to read.

    You Emmy is just adorable!

  14. Adorable baby Emmy pic! I have no multiple copies of books that I can recall, so no TT post for me this week.

  15. omg....she's so adorable! i love this picture!!
    I have more than one copy of a few novels...mainly Harry Potter books though.


  16. I have, like, four copies of the first Harry Potter book, because the bookstore where I got all the books seemed to think it was a good idea to give people a free copy of the first book when they pre-ordered each subsequent one. The idea that people who are buying the third or fourth book in a series have probably already read the first one in the series seemed to escape them.

    Also, I tagged you for a meme, hope you don't mind. It's at my blog if you'd like to do it.

  17. That is the cutest pic ever! She looks like a tiny ball of fur in this one. Absolutely adorable.

  18. I don't have any interesting multiples; I had some unintentional duplicates, but I've weeded those out.

    Adorable baby pic of Emmy, the little fuzz ball!


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