Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (30) + Pic of Emmy

Today's question: What's the most popular book in your library? Have you read it? What did you think? How many users have it?

My answer is pretty typical. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The first time I read it for my high school English Literature class and wrote a paper on it. I've read it a few times since, but not in the past couple of years. Probably time to break it out again.

The 11th most popular book on my list is The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. This was the first book I bought in hardcover with my own money because I couldn't wait for the paperback. It's still on my shelf and gets loaned out a lot.


Emmy says:


  1. Haha! What is she doing? I LOVE the Time Traveler's Wife!

  2. Oh my gosh! Emmy is adorable! My most popular book is The Golden Compass.

  3. I loved Time Traveler's Wife too!

  4. I love P and P, and the Time Traveler's wife is a selection for one of my reading challenges for next year. I'm so excited to read it!

  5. Your cat is so cute! I had P&P on my list but Harry Potter was the most popular.

  6. I have both P&P and Time Traveler's Wife, but haven't read either of them. I really wanted to read TTW, but then it got pushed to the back burner somehow...

  7. That is such a cute kitty picture! I really enjoyed the Time Traveler's Wife, too.

  8. You know, I read your blog every post, but I don't think I've ever commented just to mention how cute Emmy is! My daughter (almost 2) and I love seeing what she's up to.

    P&P is probably my most popular book, too, and I read it every year :)

  9. Great kitty picture of Emmy!!

    I love Pride and Prejudice - I can read it over and over! I've recently started reading some of the books that other authors have written about the same characters. . .

    Here's my Thinger!

    :) Wendi

  10. I've loved Pride and Prejudice since the very first time I read it. It's one of the few books that I've re-read.

  11. Okay. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.


    I can't stop re reading the Michael Ondaatjes. Coming through Slaughter. Running in the Family. The English Patient. But I don't loan them out. I just keep buying new copies for friends.

  12. oh my, i love this photo of emmy!! :) and i was thinking p&p before seeing your answer, it is typical. the other very as popular book that is here on my shelf is the lord of the rings trilogy. both books are the kind i would take with me to a desert island (though why take books to a desert island? "desert? island", what's that? why take a boat and water?!! :) or a friend....:))

  13. Emmy is so cute it should be illegal.

    I have The Time Traveler's Wife on my shelf. I've heard so many good things about it that I'm saving it for a time when I need a good pick-me-up. (It's always nice to have a winner on hand that you can turn to after an absolutely horrible book!)

  14. There is something waiting for you on my blog...


    -That Teen-

  15. Emmy is soooo cute! Cats do the darndest things.

  16. Emmy is adorable! I wish I had a cat that cute. :)

  17. How did Emmy get in that position? I swear I've never seen a cat do that before. lol.

    Oh yeh, if you want that Tales from Outer Suburbia-click on my contact on my blog and send me your address. I'll send it for you and Daniel.

  18. Emmy is so cute, I wonder what she was doing ;)

  19. I really don't know what she is doing in this photo. She was just hanging around like this and of course we had to take pictures!

  20. Is that a model pose I see there. After all those pictures, I bet Emmy does feel like a model.
    My most popular book I guess would have to be Twilight. Of course, I LOVED it.


  21. Did Miss Emmy have a headache?

  22. Love the cat pic! Ha ha! Animals have so much personality :)

    My most popular books are (suprise, suprise) all the Harry Potters. Then Lord of the Rings. Wish I had something more original for you...


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