Saturday, December 6, 2008

More winners!

Thank you to everyone for making my November Book Blowout giveaway such a success (well over 1000 entries in all, far more than I ever expected). I got lots of great book suggestions, found out about princesses I never knew existed, learned that most people who read this blog are on team zombie, and made a Penguin publicist very happy (she loved reading your responses).

The winner of The Gemma Doyle Trilogy signed by Libba Bray is Keri Mikulski! Keri recommended Two Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt and I'll admit I'm intrigued. This one is going on my Christmas wish list/to buy if I don't get for Christmas list. Thanks Keri :)

The winner of You are so Undead to Me is Shalonda who is 100% on team zombie and thinks unicorns are corny. She may be on to something there, but I'm reserving judgement until I read Rampant by Diana Peterfreund (set to drop May 2009). I recently found out Diana and Daniel have the same editor at HarperCollins. Very cool!!

The winner of the 6+ books from Penguin is Allisonmariecat who couldn't quite decide between Death By Latte, Confessions of a Triple-Shot Betty and Savvy. Good choices! Please let us know what books you end up getting Allison. (On a side note, Allison is the second person to win two contests on my site. I believe Kelsey is the other.)

And finally, the winner of Aurelia is Carol of Carolsnotebook. Her favorite princess is Fiona from Shrek. Mine, in case you are interested, is Beauty from the book Beauty by Sherri Tepper.

Congrats to all my winners! Please send me your mailing addresses asap. And if you didn't win, don't despair. I have a few more cool contests coming up this month. YAY!


  1. What great giveaways! Congrats to all who won.

  2. Thanks! This was a fun contest and I am thrilled to have won what I heard was a fun read.

    I emailed you my info.

  3. I've had my eye on Two Way Street for awhile too! Sounds pretty good!

    Congratulations to the winners!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can think of few things more exciting than a box of books on the way :)

  5. Congratulations to everyone! (and Two Way Street is a great book--I don't think I actually reviewed it but I do love it :))

  6. Yay! Libba Bray has been on my TBR list for a while!!! Thanks bunches!! I can't wait to read the trilogy. :) Enjoy TWO WAY STREET. It's a goody. Next month, I'm giving away Barnholdt's other amazing book, REALITY CHICK. :) Thank you!!!! :)

  7. Congrats everyone! Yay for contests (even if i i didn't win..LOL)


  8. Congrats to the winners! (BTW, I love Sheri Tepper books!)

  9. Congrats to all the winners.


  10. Congrats to all of you guys ^^
    And thanks for the great giveaways

  11. Congrats to all the winners!!! Hope you all enjoy your books :)

  12. Oh, and Lenore - just thought you might be interested in knows that I already reviewed Beautiful Americans for TeensReadToo and absolutely loved it! You can read my review here:

  13. Thanks for the link Amber! What a great review :)


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