Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Waiting on Wednesday (14) Shelter Me by Alex McAulay

Usually my picks are of books that are coming out in the distant future, but this week, I am picking one which comes out soon - January 6th (and apparently already available on amazon). According to Christopher Golden's blurb, "Shelter Me is a dark, breakneck-paced journey through wartime England, full of twists and thrilling turns you'll never see coming!". I love twisty plots, so that, and the gorgeous cover I've been admiring for months, are reeling me in!

Here's the product description from amazon:

Maggie Leigh just wants to be a normal teenager, but when German bombs tear apart London during World War II, her ultra-religious mother sees the destruction as divine punishment. She sends Maggie to a remote boarding school in coastal Wales, supposedly to keep her safe, but also to keep her in line. The school is creepy, the headmistress is a lunatic, and the students range from spoiled rich girls to speechless trauma victims. But when a tragic accident happens on the beach, Maggie and three friends are forced to flee the school, plunging into the nightmarish world of Europe during wartime. Now every decision Maggie makes is fraught with danger, and living to see another day depends on how quickly she can think and act...and how far she's willing to go.

Sounds exciting - and I won't have to wait too long for this one - YAY!


Merry Christmas Eve everyone! We are getting together with extended family tonight at 6 pm for our traditional Christmas Eve celebration. Got all my shopping done, but still have some wrapping to do! How about you?


  1. Merry Christmas! I did all my wrapping awhile ago but now I guess I'm going to do the rest of the wrapping for the family!

    The cover for this one is so striking!

  2. Wow this book sounds great. I am definately excited to check it out. Doesn't that girl on the cover kind of remind you of Whitney from The Hills? Weird now I won't be able to think of her as anything but Whitney, oh the woahs of photo covers! Also would you mind putting a link to my blog in your blog roll? Thanks!


  3. Merry Merry Christmas! And thank you for a marvelous secret santa gift! <3

    I'm actually getting Shelter Me in the mail soon; I'm really looking forward to reading it. The cover is AMAZING. :)

  4. I have to add this to my TBR list.

    Merry Christmas. I have lots of wrapping left to do and some cookies to bake for Santa, but that's about it.

  5. I wish you the best in this holiday season, full of joy and memories, and a healthy, bookish new year! Merry Christmas! :)

  6. Sounds exciting. This might be one I have to sample, too.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  7. I wanted to stop in and wish you along with your family a Merry Christmas! :)

  8. So when I went to put this on my wishlist on bookmooch I looked at the cover closely and it is Whitney Port! Its made by MTV publishers, so figures, but regardless I think this is weird. Were they doing this to get people who don't usually buy books to buy them because "omg that's Whitney, I want that book?" I like the Hills and all and I have been getting a little excited for The City, but I don't think I like my book world and my TV world mixing.

  9. This is the original stock photo, yeah I totally find them sometimes lol! It looks a lot like her but I don't think it's her. :/


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