Friday, January 16, 2009

Free E-Book: The Ranger's Apprentice Book 1 The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

Fans of The Ranger's Apprentice series are anxiously awaiting book 6, The Siege of Macindaw, to come out this summer. But if you haven't yet had the chance to read any of the series yet, now you can for free! Penguin is running a promotion now through February 15th where you can read book 1 online at this link:

A short summary to whet your appetite for this best selling fantasy series:

They have always scared him in the past—the Rangers, with their dark cloaks and shadowy ways. The villagers believe the Rangers practice magic that makes them invisible to ordinary people. And now 15-year-old Will, always small for his age, has been chosen as a Ranger's apprentice. What he doesn't yet realize is that the Rangers are the protectors of the kingdom. Highly trained in the skills of battle and surveillance, they fight the battles before the battles reach the people. And as Will is about to learn, there is a large battle brewing. The exiled Morgarath, Lord of the Mountains of Rain and Night, is gathering his forces for an attack on the kingdom. This time, he will not be denied. . . .

If you are a follower of the series and want book 6 now, please let me know. I can hook up at least one person with an advanced copy.

And how do you feel in general about reading e-books online? Is it something you take advantage of when you can or would it be a no-go even for your most anticipated book?


  1. I've never read an e-book online and don't think I could do it. It's just harder to do than read a real book for me. I think I've downloaded some free in the past just because. I think I rather listen to a audio book than try and read an e-book.

  2. I started to read Savvy online when they offered it in the summer, but I only got to chapter 3. Now I have it in physical form so I guess it did work as a marketing tool in my case!

  3. Haha, definitely! I was thinking of reading a bit of the first book from Night World 1 (you can download it on Amazon for free) and then before I had the chance the copy I mooched from Bookmooch arrived!

  4. I don't really like e-books. I feel bad because I agreed to review a book for an author but she sent me an e-book and I'm having trouble with it. :(

  5. I want to make an effort to read more books online. I love the idea of it, but I still find it a bit strenuous. I don't know why, considering the amount of time I spend reading blogs, but I do.

  6. Ebooks don't appeal to me at all, but people I know who have the Kindle are very gung-ho about the idea. Thanks, btw, for connecting me with Jillian!

  7. Thanks for the link! I've already got a paper copy of the book, but I plan on sharing it around with some other folks. :)

    And if you haven't hooked anyone up with that advanced copy yet, I'm most definitely interested. I love these books!

  8. I love the series! It would mean a lot to me if you could send me the 6th book. I like reading ebooks, i have 1-5 and am anxiously awaiting the 6th. Thanks in advance

  9. Can you post the first book? While i was looking for a book at a store, I saw it and read a bit. It got me interested and i've been browsing the web for snippets. So far, none. Please post it for me!

  10. Hey I'd like to read these books. :) but ur link doesn't work.

  11. The link no longer works because the promotion ended in Feb of 2009!

  12. A very good book, especially considering that the author first started this book as a series of short stories for this son. I've read many fantasy books and this book as all the elements needed to make it a hit for teens: easy to read and follow, likeable characters, straight forward story line, straight forward delineation between good and evil, heroic deeds, villains getting their just deserts, a little romance, a little mystery, and a few nice twists thrown in - in short a complex enough story to get your attention but not too complex to bore the young adult.


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