Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (37) + pic of Emmy!

Today's question: Have you ever used the Swap This Book function which can be found on the main page of any book? If so, what do you think about it? If not, are there any other swap sites you utilize to exchange books once you are done? What do you do with your books if you no longer want them anymore?

My answer: I have never clicked on that link before, but I am so glad I did because I made an exciting discovery - there is an English book swapping site in Germany called bookswapper.de which means I could actually be active in a book swapping site. I joined YA Book Swap on ning but I can only ship when a friend takes a trip to the states (or I do). Most of the swaps I've done have been arranged privately with other book bloggers and friends.

So what do I do with books I don't need to keep around anymore? It depends on the book format. Trade paperbacks I can take to the used bookstore in Wichita and trade in. Mass Market paperbacks I can donate to Oxfam. Adult hardcovers I can donate to the library here in Frankfurt (they need them!). I have not yet been able to part with a YA hardcover, but should I need to at some point, I could donate them to the Frankfurt International School. ARCs I try to pass on to fellow reviewers.


As you can see, we had some help putting away our guest pillows and blankets this weekend. This steamer trunk was refinished by my grandmother as a gift to my mother and I inherited it. It sat in storage for many years until I was finally able to ship it over to myself this summer using the service Luggage Free. Our guest pillows are also very special. They are filled with goose feathers that my grandmother's grandmother plucked herself!


  1. I didn't think it was possible to see a cuter picture every week but it is!

    That's awesome that you found an English book swapping site in Germany!

  2. How can my post compete with these cute pet photos??

  3. What an adorable picture!

    That's great that you found a swapping site. I never knew there were so many out there until I clicked on the button.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  4. Emily looks extremely comfortable in her position. Looks like she's going to fall asleep soon. How come you always cute pics like this to share every week Lenore?

  5. Emmy is so precious! I look forward to her picture every week.

  6. Emmy looks very comfortable! and congrats on finding a German bookswap! That should come in handy.

  7. That is a lovely picture - it must be amazing to have such family heirlooms. I'm glad you found a swap site! I hope you get some good books through it. =)

  8. Try bookmooch.com for book swapping.

  9. I bet Emmy was in heaven snuggled in there. The trunk is beautiful Lenore as is the picture of Emmy in it.

  10. OMG, what an adorable kitty! (I've got five, I love cats. :)

    I just want to tickle her tummy! :)

  11. Even though I really prefer to keep as many books as possible, I have been known to donate a few to the local library and the Salvation Army. Haven't used any of the swap sites yet, but I admit they seem like a good idea.

    What a wonderful spot for a nap - Emmy looks like she means to stay there a while.

  12. It sure looks like the old steamer trunk has been put to good use, an Emmy bed - Ha.

  13. Lol. Now that's cute (totally, "Can't youse sees I is tryin to sleep? Close the lid!")! I love your steamer trunk too!

  14. OMG! Your Emmy pictures just get better and better...I'm not sure that's possible, but this one is so sweet!

  15. What an adorable photo! LOL

    I tend to hold onto my books, but I have swapped a few now and then through privately arranged swaps. I wasn't familiar with the LT swap feature until this question came up.

  16. OMG, this picture is priceless! Emmy is just so beautiful. The trunk is also beautiful, what a treasure that is. How cool that you found an swapping site for Germany. I was so surprised to see that there were so many swapping sites.

  17. Lenore - Emmy is so adorable! I've been keeping my eyes out for a trunk like that - they are hard to find in good condition! :)

    I'm so glad you were able to find a swap site you can participate in, and it is great to hear that you donate to your local library. I found out the hard way that our library will most likely sell them to patrons for 25 cents, they don't generally put them onto the library shelves.

    Thanks for participating in Tuesday Thingers last week! I’ve got this week’s posted now.

    Take care, Wendi :)


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