Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (38) + Emmy plays wii!

Today's question: Prior to today, were you aware of Open Shelves Classification? Have you helped to classify any books yet? Is this something you are interested in? Did you know that if you classify any books, it will also show you who else has classified the book? (Go to host Wendi's post here for background info about Open Shelves Classification)
My Answer: Yes, I noticed it while entering my latest book reviews. Since the last books I read were all fiction, I put them all in the fiction category. It only takes an extra second to do so I don't mind helping out, but I wouldn't say I find the project that interesting.


We have a Nintendo wii and of course we had to make a mii for Emmy. Since they don't have a template for cats, I did the best I could. So here's Emmy's mii and how she actually plays wii. Enjoy!


  1. That's an amazing shot of Emmy! And you came up with a pretty darn good cat template, too.

  2. Thanks Joy!

    Alea, when I was uploading the picture I was thinking "Alea is going to love this!"

  3. That poor cat. all the blood will rush to her tiny cat brain.

    As to the question...well, I have an issue with the 'fiction' category, as I mentioned in my answer.

  4. You know me so well! I need to remember to show it to my sister, she'll love it too!

  5. Good morning, Emmy! Miii-ow!

    I hope the categories are morning interesting than just "fiction" - where's the fun in that?!?

  6. Aww Emmy looks like she's having fun!

  7. Yes, I'm doing it for my new entries but everything is under "fiction and poetry", a single category. That's pretty boring and tells me almost nothing about a book.
    Emmy is cute from any angle it seems.

  8. Lenore: I love the new look of the blog. I'm not sure how long you've had it going on, but its been a while since I've commented.

    Emmy is adorable as a mii and herself. I love her version of playing with the wii...does she play when you are out too?!

  9. Thank you so much for your comments on our blog! Ally and I really try to do cool stuff at the library and it's nice to hear that other people think we are accomplishing that. I read your blog all the time but have never left a comment before. Emmy is so cute!

  10. So cute! I really wish that we could make mii animals.

  11. OMG, your cat is so adorable. I say it all the time, but seriously!!!


  12. I have miis for all my dogs. But, they never play with the wiimote.

  13. Thanks for the comment!
    It ended up being a few extra pounds for the movie night...oh well.
    I love your blog!
    : )

  14. Ha, now that's a good pic. I love it.

  15. Evan (8) says that doesn't count as playing Wii, but he allows as it's a terrific mii. :-)

  16. Emmy, teach me how to play that! : )

  17. hahaha love the kitty! :-) great picture. her mii is adorable.

  18. What a great Mii! I didn't think of doing one for our dog, but we did one for our toddler! :) Emmy is great!

    I really only used the grid to enter fiction books as well. They took it down too quickly, so I didn't get a chance to add more.

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got this weeks post up now! ~ Wendi


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