Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (18) Far North by Marcel Theroux

My love of dystopian fiction is well known by now and I'm always eager to hear about new novels coming out that fall into this category. This is one I picked up at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October (see my post about it here), so technically I don't have to wait for it even though it doesn't come out until March 5th in the UK (Faber + Faber) and June 9th in the US (FSG). It's one I'm very excited about though, so I wanted to profile it.

I've read the first couple of pages and it's hard to put down (have to though, because I have a reading scheldule to keep). It's got a "The Road" vibe going on so if you were a fan of that Cormac McCarthy masterpiece, you might like this one too.

Here's the product description from amazon:

Makepeace calls himself sheriff of his hardscrabble town, but he is also its only resident—the last of a group of settlers who have fled the poisoned cities of the West. The miraculous appearance of a refugee from the vast emptiness of the forest awakens this loner to a longing for life among others, but when he takes to the road, Makepeace finds a world unraveling: deserted cities with trees shooting up through the asphalt; stockaded villages enforcing a rough and uncertain justice; mysterious slave camps laboring to harness the little-understood technologies of an expired civilization. On his side, Makepeace has resilience, a sense of humor that comes to life at the diciest moments, and a well-concealed core of humanity: a resource that will be his salvation.

Far North leads the reader on a quest through an unforgettable arctic landscape. Suffused with an ecstatic awareness of the fragility of the world, and its sometimes unexpected ability to recover from our worst trespasses, Far North is a muscular, visionary novel of retribution and forgiveness.

As always, check out what other bloggers are lusting after at host Jill's WoW post today at her blog Breaking the Spine.


  1. Sounds exciting - just my sort of thing. I've added it to my list.

  2. Can we only list new releases? I love this genre, too. Maybe I should be embarrassed, but I only recently read the classic for this genre, Brave New World. There are others I enjoy, Parable of The Sower by Octavia E. Butler and Unwind by Neal Shusterman.

  3. I'll have to go check out that blog!

    I have an award for you here.

  4. Cool Rol :)

    Susan - I guess WoW is meant to highlight books that aren't out yet, but thanks for mentioning that one by Butler. I hadn't heard of it before. I enjoyed Brave New World and Unwind too.

    Ahhh thanks Tink!

  5. Ah, I'm new and an admitted scatterbrain. Sorry about that.

  6. Well, Susan, the posts may be about upcoming books, but the comments can be about anything :)

  7. You know this one is going on my list, Lenore. I'll be interested to hear how you like it.

  8. It sounds pretty good, I also enjoy reading dystopian fiction and so does my sister.
    I'll add this to my wishlist.

  9. This does sound exciting. I've got the road on my shelf ready to read for the RYOB Challenge!!

  10. I like this genre quite alot too, however I have a really hard time with books set in snowy places - this bothers me because I don't really know why I have this aversion. I did read and enjoy 'Alive' (true story of the footballers who crashed in the Andes), so I think I'll wait for your review of this one.

  11. My cousin's kind of book, I will tell her to look out for this one : D

  12. Oh this one sounds really good! Going on my list..


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