Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Dust of 100 Dogs Deal - Contest at Reviewer X

So you know I loved The Dust of 100 Dogs by AS King right? (If you somehow missed that, please read my review in all its fangirly glory as well as my very special interview with the main character Saffron here). Well, today is its official release day and to celebrate, Reviewer X set up an amazing contest where you could win over $300 worth of gift cards and books just by sending in your receipt for D100D! Naturally, I contributed (a gift card) to the awesomeness. So buy the book, and head over to Reviewer X for all the details on how to enter. And good luck matey!


  1. You are so amazing, Lenore. Love you to death :P (And then...I'll reincarnate as your dog? Or your cat? You can just kill me if the latter happens - ew, cats. ;D)


  2. Oh Steph. If you reincarnated as my cat you be so spoiled and happy. You would love it.

  3. This contest so rocks my socks! I cannot wait to read the book.

  4. Cool one, thanks for tributing Lenore ^^

  5. I'm reading it now and so far I must say it's awesome!
    but I don't have the receipt because the author kindly sent it to me :D


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