Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (5)

Things I’m excited about this week:

1. My lucky star must be shining this week because after a long draught, I won three book contests around the blogosphere. First I won a *signed* copy of Suzanne Selfors' Saving Juliet from Yan at Books by their Cover. Then I won an advanced copy of Eyes Like Stars from the amazing Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt that Author Lisa Mantchev and some awesome YA bloggers put together. And today Carey told me I won The Terror by Dan Simmons on her blog The Tome Traveller. I am very much looking forward to all three of these books.

2. I also got a couple of new books in my mailbox: Amberville by Tim Davys and Prada and Prejudice by Mandy Hubbard.

3. We are 99% sure we are going to get another Birman kitten to be Emmy’s companion. If things go as planned her new little friend will be born at the end of March and we’ll get to bring him home in mid June! Maybe then Emmy will stop waking me up at 6:30 am...

4. Sun dried tomato strips! I make a very easy pasta salad whenever we have guests and the only time consuming part was cutting up all the sun dried tomatoes (I use the ones in oil, so it was messy too). This week I found out that they are now selling the “cut and ready for salads” version. YAY!

5. Tonight we are going to see the new film version of German film classic Effi Briest – in German. I hope I understand everything!

6. The Oscars are finally here on Sunday. You know I’m rooting for Kate Winslet! And BTW, my favorite "Oscar Watching" site is Sasha Stone's Awards Daily.

What are you excited about this week?


  1. Oh my gosh... I'm glad you mentioned that the Oscars were this weekend, I would have totally missed them and then been really angry with myself!

    A friend for Emmy, that is too cute!

  2. Does that mean on Tuesdays we get a picture of Emmy and new kitteh starting in June? :D

  3. I agree Khy, I hope that's the plan!

  4. Now, why would anyone want to see pictures of a new kitten?! ;)

    Assuming he gets along with Emmy, I'm sure they'll do tons of cute things together...

  5. oh a new kitty! How exciting. Is it definitely going to be a male? What are you going to name him?

    I love sun dried tomato strips. I love them in oil too. I will just eat them plain they are so yummy.

  6. 3 cheers for someone else winning a book for a change! ;)
    BTW I got my books from nadya yesterday. I can't believe how fast they are! Genesis looks so amazing. TY so much for posting about it on here or else I might not have discovered it.

  7. I won't watch but I'm rooting for Kate Winslet, too.

    And lucky you with those book contests!

    Have a great weekend!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  8. Sharon - The breeder told us that it is more likely they'll get along if we get a male. I've never, ever had a male cat, but Daniel really wants one. We really haven't talked about a name yet. Ezra? haha.

    Anna - I am not sure if I should watch either because I'd have to stay up really late - the show comes on here between 2 and 6 am!!

  9. How exciting-a new friend for Emmy. That should be interesting. Congrats on your book wins. You two enjoy your film!

  10. Ooooh, new kitty :D Awesome. And I'm rooting for Kate Winslet too.

  11. First off, congrats. Winning books is so much fun. And that's so exciting about Emmy getting a new playmate. I'd like to get one for my Binx so he'll calm down a little bit (= && I agree with Alea, I would have totally missed the Oscars if not for you.

  12. You got PRADA!! I'm so thrilled it arrived. I hope you love it!!

  13. That's wonderful about the kitten! I've been a lurker for a long time, loving the pictures of Emmy and always meaning to comment on them. The parents of a friend of mine bred Birmans and I spent many happy days feeding and holding newborn kittens. I'll be looking forward to seeing pictures!

  14. sun-dried tomatoes ... YES! I use these (instead of packed in oil) all the time. They're good "dry" or reconstituted in hot water. I love these shortcuts - jarred minced garlic, minced ginger. (should I be embarrassed? They're close enough to fresh for me!)

  15. I love sun dried tomatoes, too. You should post that recipe.

  16. Dar - She really needs a friend. She acts like we abandon her when leave for even 15 minutes!!

    Nymeth - Hopefully we'll be able to cheer come Sunday night!

    Mishel - Thanks!!!

    Mandy - Yes, it looks so fun I want to start reading right now. Darned responsibilities...

    Chelle - Newborn kittens are so sweet! You are so lucky - we don't get the kitten until he's 12 weeks. Still cute, of course.

    Dawn - I can't tell either!

  17. Ok Kathy, just for you!

    I just take a package of tricolor pasta, boil it, drain it, and add sun dried tomato strips, cut up artichoke hearts, and pine nuts. I then usually use Newman's own vinegar and oil salad dressing and some salt. It is easy, exotic and delicious!

  18. Re. #1: I wanted tell you thanks for posting about On My Bookshelf's date story contest a few weeks ago; my story won and yesterday I received both Triple Shot Betty books in the mail. You know the best contests, Lenore!

  19. Wow. Good luck with your plans for a new family member.

    And: Are you kidding me about the sundried tomatoes in STRIPS? You should have seen my hands (and cutting board) last night.

    Today I'm excited about a blog interview I did with one of my favorite humorists, Anna Lefler. More than anything, I'm just grateful to be her friend.

  20. 3. or maybe both of them will wake you up at 6:30!

  21. 1. Hooray for lucky stars! :) Now you get to anticipate, and that's half the fun!

    2. I just looked up Amberville... It's about a stuffed animals?! You'll have to let me know how it is! Ditto on Prada & Prejudice (minus the stuffed animals).

    3. Hooray for companions! I'm sure Emmy will be excited to have another kitten to torture, I mean, play with.

    4. What will we think of next? I have not cut sun dried tomatoes, so I cannot imagine your excitement...but I can be happy that you're excited :)

    5. Oh, Kate Winslet has grown so much as an actress! I've been majorly impressed with her latest works. I'm rooting for her too!

  22. Oh I'm very curious to see your take on Mandy's book. Sounds like a great one.

  23. I'm excited about the fact I won a blog award. You should be excited about the fact I nominated you lol. Congrats
    I nominated you for this award.

  24. I haven't seen of the movie that are nominated except for Dark Knight (Heath Ledger most likely will win for supporting actor). I do want to see several of them, but I can't seem to get anyone in my house to go to any of these movies! Maybe I'll just go by myself!

    I'm so happy you are getting Emmy a playmate. They will have so much fun playing together. All of our animals are female and seem to get along really well, but if the breeder says a male will be better for Emmy, then go for it!

    And congrats on winning the books! You had a good week!

  25. A friend for little Emmy! Promise me you'll take pics of them both together. I love your kittens.

    Oh and this week you got all lucky, you won fabulous books. Reviews up soon right?

  26. I was so shocked that Eastwood's Gran Torino wasn't nominated. I'm pouting a bit and probably won't watch them. That, and I live in So. Cal, just a bit north of the folderal,and by the time the Oscars actually roll around, I'm sorta sick of hearing about them. LA's kooky that way....

  27. Hi Lenore.
    Congrats on winning my book, Saving Juliet. I'm putting it in the mail to you today. Happy Reading.
    PS. I was born in Germany.

  28. Yum! I want to come over for salad!

  29. I'm excited that we're supposed to learn of the bank accepted our offer on a house sometime next week :)

  30. So jealous about Prada and Prejudice and Eyes Like Stars but congrats on you contest winning streak! (:
    This week I had an awesome time competing at a horse show that was really, really successful and fun. After two days of six AM wakeup calls, I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow! And watch movies all day.....ahh. (:

  31. I was so happy for Kate Winslet! Now I definitely need to see The Reader. I think Best Dressed goes to Natalie Portman or the Indian girl from Slumdog Millionaire.


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