Monday, February 9, 2009

January Contest Winners!

Today I'm thrilled to announce the winner of the penguin prize pack and winner of the custom header contest.

The Penguin Prize Pack contest was by far my most successful contest to date - nearly 300 entries. I think it is safe to say that there will be more of these in the future! Thank you for all of your suggestions on sites to find out about books. Many I knew already, but many were also new to me. I used to draw the winner:

#30 is Hillary of The Book Reader. Congrats!

Now here's Daniel drawing the winner of the custom header contest:


  1. I love that you did a video of Daniel drawing the winner. Now you should do one of him doing the drawing of the header! Please please please!

  2. And he has such a lovely scarf on! :P

  3. Congratulations to the winners. I love the video of Daniel and Emmy.

  4. That cat is so darn adorable! And please include a video of him drawing. That would be so cool!

  5. I will ask him! I do think it's a great idea, but let's see what he says...

  6. I love the new heading of the blog! Its so pretty (:

  7. Wow 300 entries! Amazing. :) Congrats to the winners. ;)

  8. OMG! Today is amazing. I love books and reviewers like you! I'm writing the email now.

  9. That video is so adorable!

  10. Congrats to Hillary! Awesome video - what a great scarf! ;) I agree, a video of him drawing the header would be fun!


  11. Congratulations to the winner. What a funny clip.

  12. Emmy and Daniel make a great team!


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