Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (7)

Here's what I am excited about this week:

1. More awards - can you believe it? Not only did I mention a few in this post about my obsessions on Sunday, but I also got a few more. Thanks to Thao for the Your Blog is Fabulous Award, to Alyce for The Butterfly Award, to Sharon, Melissa and Kaye for the Proximidade Award and to Carrie for the I Love Your Blog Award. I'm so flattered you all thought of my blog!

2. More books in the mail too - though I am trying to hold back. I got The Agency by Ally O'Brien which I won, Zombie Blondes by Brian James from a YA Book Swap with Carolina, Darling Jim by Christian Moerk from the LT ER program (that came fast!) and Sonata for Miriam by Linda Olsson for review.

3. No contest wins this week but I did get the news that The Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire has been pushed up 1 week to September 1st, and that puts me one week closer to reading it. You can read the whole story here at PW and see a slideshow of some foreign covers of The Hunger Games. The Swedish one looks deliciously creepy.

4. My friend Heather is flying over for a visit in April and we are going with another friend on a girls trip to the Greek island of Rhodes! I've only ever been to Mykonos, Tinos and Samos so it will be fun to explore an island so rich with history.

5. Daniel's first picture book is progressing well. Nearly all the illustration spreads have been approved and now he has to work hard and finish final artwork by the end of April. Wish him luck!

6. No LOST this week which was sad, but tonight is one of the last episodes of Battlestar Galactica. Here's hoping it goes out on a high note! You might also recall that I complained about not being able to watch tv shows on hulu because I'm "out of area". Well, a fellow expat told me at work the other day that there is a program you can download to mask your IP address. Anyone ever hear of Anchorfree or used it?

So what are you excited about this week?


  1. I'm happy that I've finally decided on a domain name and am slowly restarting my blog under my new identity.

    I've had some very interesting emails with an author, Matt Biberman.

    Spent some time with my youngest today since she got out of school early, a little Mom and teen time is always fun!

    Got some awesome books this week, Tim Green, Patterson, etc.

    Spring is in the air and I'm finally getting my lazy winter behind motivated to get some wallpaper stripping and painting done.

    Missed Lost this week...but House was new! And Lost will be back next week!

  2. Lots of good news! Yay! Your trip sounds like it's going to be lot of fun!

  3. I'm excited that I had a nice afternoon to myself today and I have a meeting with my fave library peeps tomorrow!

  4. Exciting news about Catching Fire! I am so stoked to read it!

    And yay for Daniel! I wish him much success!

  5. Right now I'm excited about the Hunger Games news. Although this is the US release date, the UK one will probably be about a month later. I could order the US one, but I love the UK HG cover so much more than the US one, I'm sure I'll prefer the UK CF too. Hmm, I might actually do the insane and buy both versions within about a month of each other =)

  6. People keep telling me I should see LOST... I have never seen it... hrmmm

  7. your April trip sounds wonderful!

    Good luck to Daniel. I know he's working hard!

  8. All of what you're up to sounds great! I received Sonata for Miriam last week too!! I have to read the Hunger Games...soon!! My son absolutely loved it!! I'm just looking forward to not having school tomorrow!!

  9. Here's wishing Daniel luck on the picture book venture.

  10. Good news all around. Can't wait to hear your comments on these uncoming books.

  11. Hey. Safe travels. You world traveler, you. (Collect some great coins!)

  12. Congrats on all your awards! I recieved two books in the mail this morning that I one so Friday the 13th wasn't bad for me this year- doesn't look like yours is going bad either :)

  13. Congrats on the awards! They are well deserved.

    Best of wishes and luck to Daniel with his book!

    And Hurrah on your trip to Rhodes, hope you and your girlfriends have a great time :)

  14. Your trip sounds fun.

    I'm so excited about Battlestar, I can't imagine how it's all going to end.

    Also excited about a trip to the UK. I'm planning to pick up a copy of Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen because the UK cover is gorgeous!

  15. congrats on your awards & great finds!

  16. Your trip sounds awesome. I'd love to go to Greece one day. I'm trying to control myself with the books too but most days I think I'm just a lost cause. Good luck Daniel!


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