Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (45) + picture of Emmy

Question from Wendi: Do you visit the memes section often? Have you visited recently? Have you discovered anything that surprises you when you visit the memes for your library?

I don't visit often but I visited today. I even assigned to gender to about half of the authors who were "not set". Before I started reading so much YA, I used to read more male authors, but now my overall reading is pretty evenly spread between the sexes (although my reading for the current year is overwhelmingly female). 75% of my authors are still alive.

Today I have the mugshot of two of the most notorious criminals since Bonnie and Clyde, Emmy and Daniel. Emmy has been arrested for the crimes of shredding toilet paper, climbing on my laptop, pulling books and cereal off the shelves and scratching my mattress in the morning. Daniel has been arrested for getting the wrong brand of noodles for the noodle salad.


  1. haha, that is the scariest I have ever seen Daniel look, including Halloween! :)

  2. Emmy is a total bad-ass while Daniel looks like he feels sorry for his crimes! :P

  3. Are you surprised at how many of the authors you read are still alive? Do you think that is accurate i.e. you have entered all your authors in LT?

    Great picture! I love Emmy's tail...and the crimes that Emmy and Daniel have been arrested for. Shame on them! :)

  4. I'm going to be on the lookout for this dangerous duo!!

  5. Shame on Emmy and Daniel! ;)

    I've done a bit of gender assigning with my authors in that meme as well. No one seems to have paid attention to them!

  6. Daniel looks stressed. Emmy looks bored. I wanna touch her!!!

  7. That cat is so cute. It is totally one of those animals that makes me put on a squeaky voice to describe the cuteness!

  8. I'm sorry. Both too cute for jail. Better go write the bail check.

  9. Emmy looks like she couldn't care less but Daniel, on the other hand, looks sorry for his crime. lol. Great pic.

  10. hehehe. I love Emmy's expression. She looks like a little queen.

  11. The wrong type of noodle? Shocking!

  12. Yeah you know Emmy is going to keep committing her crimes, but Daniel still might repent.

    Bail check written - they're on the loose again. Watch out everyone!

    And trust me H, the noodles he got were the really gross ones. It is a serious offense!

    And Cecilia, I haven't entered all the books I've ever read on LT so the stats aren't strictly accurate. But I find them interesting nonetheless.

  13. Great picture! My husband often comes home with the wrong thing from the grocery store, but I love that he does the shopping.

    I haven't fixed any of my LT authors whose gender hasn't been set yet. Maybe sometime when I'm bored. :)

  14. Most of my authors seem to be male and dead! So I wonder what that says about my reading habits.

    That is such a cute photo. What an adorable pair of desperadoes!

  15. Awww, both of your criminals are cute.

  16. Lenore - you CRACK ME UP! The story about your Bonnie and Clyde - Daniel and Emmy is hilarious! And I love the look on Daniel's face!

  17. Lol, I believe Emmy is a tad more infamous!

  18. Poor Daniel...the wrong noodles? As long as they aren't Ramen...haha

  19. Oh - my husband can relate to Daniel!! The brand of noodles can really make a difference (quality and taste!). :)

    You inspired me - I couldn't figure out how to update the genders on the unknown section, so I went back and found it today.
    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week, we're taking a look at our favorite books. ~ Wendi


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