Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (46) + Sorry Emmy!

Wendi has a ton of questions today: What is your favorite book (yes - this may be a hard one!!)? Is your favorite book listed in your LT library? If it is listed, do you have anything special in the tags or comments section? Have you looked to see if you can add any information to the Common Knowledge? AND a little off topic, do you find that your 5-starred books are consistent with your favorites, and is your favorite a 5-star rated book in your library? How have others rated your favorite book?

Let's see...out of the 519 books I currently have listed in my LibraryThing account (certainly a small number of the total books I've read in my lifetime) I have rated 131 of them with 5 stars and tagged 30 of them as favorites (which isn't entirely accurate as I tag on a whim - for example, the classics are poorly represented, but I would consider many of them to be favorites, just never got around to tagging them). All my tagged favorites are 5 star books.

17 by men

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Holes by Louis Sachar
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Ghostwritten by David Mitchell

Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
Taliesin by Stephen R. Lawhead
Under the Skin by Michel Faber
Are You Experienced? by William Suttcliffe
Trap For Cinderella by Sebastien Japrisot
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by Charlie Kaufman (Script)

13 by women

Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
The Passion by Jeanette Winterson
Beauty by Sheri Tepper
The Tiger Rising by Kate Dicamillo
The Myth of You and Me by Leah Stewart
The Likeness by Tana French
No One You Know by Michelle Richmond
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Dust of 100 Dogs by AS King
If I Stay by Gayle Forman

But the women are catching up! All 5 of the books I've added to my all time favorites since I've been blogging are by women.

As for how others have rated my favorites, let me pick two obscure ones...

This is what I said about The Myth of You and Me (which has an average rating of only 3.7 by 159 users):
Explores the passion of female friendships that develop in the teenage years with a great narrative hook, a believable romance and well-rounded and very human characters. After I read this, I had to share it with my two best friends.

And this is what I said about Trap for Cinderella (which has an average rating of 4 by 9 users):
I have read this probably more times than any other book I own - that is how much I love this noir thriller about an amnesiac's search for identity. Really top notch.


Emmy contemplates her next move while playing the boardgame Sorry! We were inspired to play this game after seeing Em's cat play Scrabble. Check out the cuteness at Em's Bookshelf. (And check out her reviews while you are there - they are always a joy to read.)


  1. Ah, I was hoping for a picture of mummified Emmy :) Guess she wasn't sleepy enough.

  2. Haha soo cute! Is she green or red? I myself would have chosen green (go green team lol)

  3. PJ - Nooo...not sleepy enough. That will have to wait until next week!

    Emmy is on the Green team - YAY!

  4. I love the pictures of Emmy! Who won the game?

  5. As you might expect Kathy, the kitty carried away all the pieces and the game was put away. Next time we'll play while she's asleep in her paper bag.

  6. What I wouldn't give to be able to give Emmy a big old hug. Everytime I see her I want to bury my nose in her fur. It looks so soft.

  7. A Trap for Cinderella sounds interesting. Will look it up.

  8. How cute! I always lose at Sorry! I can't seem to catch a break.

  9. I've never heard of Trap for Cinderella, but I'm going to check it out!

  10. A lot of books there that I haven't read yet. I'm especially interested in Cloud Atlas and Ghostwritten. I'm putting them on my "new finds" list to check out.

    Another adorable shot of Emmy! I think our kitties (back when we had kitties) just would have eaten all those game pieces!

  11. Call of the zombie chickens now, please! :)


  12. Okay, why don't I own the Eternal Sunshine script? *smacks self*

    Beauty by Sheri Tepper! I haven't read that yet, but someone recommended it to me because my review of Tender Morsels reminded them of it. So now I really want to read it.

  13. Hah! looks like she's playing chess. :) I swear my cat is human sometimes, I'll catch her looking at me and she quickly looks away. It kind of weird lol:)

  14. I've not played Sorry! but that is one great action shot of Emmy! :)

    Holy canoli, you've listed quite a lot of books on LT! Thanks for sharing 2 of the more obscure books that you've read - your reviews got me all curious now :)

  15. Okay now somebody must post a pic of their kitty playing Monopoly!

  16. You and Em should have a cute-cat-photo face-off! A friendly one of course =)

  17. {{ignoring cute pet photo}}

    Let's see..you have 20% of your books with 5 stars. I have .25% with 5 stars...interesting. ;-)

  18. I love the perspective on the photo, right down next to the board.

    I have to tell you, my 4-yr-old was 'reading' over my shoulder, saw Emmy and said "oh, it's a guinea pig!" My turn to say, "sorry, Emmy!" :)

  19. We don't own monopoly so someone else is going to have to get their cat to play that one!

  20. Emmy is so talented, and you get the best pictures!!

    I loved Bel Canto - I've got to go back and re-read it. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week, what do you do for your least-favorite books? ~ Wendi


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