Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Mini Interview with Moi (3)

Ok, so it's been awhile (sorry - I've been busy!), but I'm finally answering a few reader questions from my last mini interview here. I also answered a lot of questions directly in the comments so be sure to read those too.

Kelsey asks: What's a book you remember reading and loving a ton when you were in high school?
I pretty much stuck to the classics in high school. I was on the academic bowl team and was considered the literature expert, so I was expected to know the plots and characters of many a serious tome. To supplement my knowledge, I read short summaries of major books by important authors. But I remember finding Love Story by Erich Segal on my mother's shelf and really falling in love with all the melodrama. I made my best friends Andi and Eun Hee read it too and we discussed it ad nauseam. I'd probably roll my eyes if I read it now, but it was probably the defining book of my senior year of high school.

Carolina asks: What is the biggest difference between Germany and Kansas?
There are lots of differences. In Germany it is perfectly acceptable to drink beer in McDonald's or even in front of a church, public nudity is no big deal, and customer service consists of vicious stares and angry grunts. Not so in Kansas. I know I've said this before, but what I love about living in Frankfurt is that I can walk or take public transport everywhere and hardly ever need to drive. In Wichita, if you don't have a car, you might as well sign up for your official hermit card.

H asks: What's your favorite book cover of all time?
I really, really can't answer this question! There are many, many covers I love and I can't choose just one. But any books which feature books on them, such as The Thirteeth Tale by Diane Setterfield, are sure to grab my attention.

Kelsey asks: If there were a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Did you ever see Nightmare on Elm Street? Heather Langenkamp, who plays Nancy, looks remarkably like me in some scenes. But she's too old now, so I'd have to say Zooey Deschanel. She's about the same age as I am and she's suitably quirky. Not sure who would actually WANT to see a movie about my life though!

Carolina asks: What is your fave TV show?
How about TV shows? Because I can't choose just one. Current shows I am really into include LOST, Battlestar Galactica, Mad Men, Dexter, 24, and Flight of the Conchordes. My guilty pleasure is Germany's Next Top Model with Heidi Klum. Shows that I enjoy catching an episode of every now and then: House, Cold Case, and 30 Rock. I also really loved the first season of Prison Break and Heroes. Past shows I adored and never missed an episode of include X-Files (I was seriously obsessed), Arrested Development, and Friends. I also loved Quantum Leap, the first season of Sliders, Voltron, and My So Called Life.

Any more questions out there? Or anyone want to answer the same questions themselves? That's what the comments are for.


  1. You are just so fun!

    I need to come up with a question to ask you.

    Quantum Leap? I was just talking about that the other day. I absolutely LOVED that show!

  2. It was great wasn't it? Dr. Sam Beckett could do ANYTHING! I was in love...


    I'm almost done watching the whole series. I don't want it to end. D:

  4. Quantum Leap was such a funny show-It seemed like every 2nd or 3rd episode he (for some reason) had to wear women's clothes.

  5. The first seasons of prison break and heroes were awesome. The other seasons not so much!

  6. Oh, My So-Called Life, how I love you.

    Your comparison of Germany to the US makes me think I'd rather live in Germany. Except for the customer service, but I'm having some trouble imagining worse customer service than what I usually experience anyway.

  7. Wow, I never hear anyone talk about Quantum Leap anymore. I watched it all the time when I was a kid. And now my sister is buying the seasons on dvd so I steal those to watch occasionally. :)

  8. oh Quantum Leap! Loved it, my husband can still quote the opening! Then Al turned up in Battlestar, looking pretty much the same, maybe he time traveled :)

    And My So Called Life was so good.

  9. Great interview.

    I love how you compare Germany to Kansas. :)

    There's a German version of ANTM with Heidi Klum? Interesting. :)

  10. I love Zooey Deschanel...I'd enjoy that movie ;) And I LOVE Lost too...the most addictive show ever made I think..

  11. Interesting about your favorite book cover...I'm not sure if I have any particular one. I think I go for pretty fonts and interesting titles and quirky covers...

  12. That book cover is really nice - any book lover would like it!

  13. Great mini-interview :P

    I've never been to Germany OR Kansas but you make Germany sound way better. :)

  14. oh question.

    how'd you meet your husband? you guys are such a cute couple!

  15. I adoree Zooey Deschanel. Arrested Development is awesome!! I love Michael Cera!

  16. Hey, I was on an academic bowlish thing, too. Only problem was, I knew nothing.

    Glad I didn't compete against you and yours.

  17. I didn't know you were living in Germany, too, but I have to say you're observations about the customer service is spot on *lol*

  18. Where in Utah did you live and why?

  19. I'm with you - I love public transportation!

  20. OMG! 'Love Story' is just about the only movie that makes me sniffle every time I watch it. But ... I never had a clue it was a book also!

    I was so excited while reading this post that I immediately checked my library online - they have a copy and they also have the sequel(!) 'Olivers Story' :)

    Great choices for the actresses to play you. I loved Nancy in NOES and Zooey is just awesome, I really like how quirky she is!


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