Sunday, March 22, 2009

Zombie Chickens of the World Unite and Take Over

I received the Zombie Chicken Award from Alea.

The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken - excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all...

As you know, normally I do not follow the rules, but I am this time because I don't want my eyes pecked out by zombie chickens (would make it difficult to read and I'm not a big fan of audio books).

I follow hundreds of bloggers, but I am limiting myself to 10 today because I need to get back to reading.

Khy of Frenetic Reader because she is unapologetically team zombie and hiliariously sarcastic.

Cathy of Kittling Books because I love her Scene of the Blog feature (and because she featured me).

My Friend Amy because her recap is the first place I go after I watch an episode of LOST, she has great discussion posts and a fun link round-up.

Reviewer X because I think I've read every post she's ever written and she is awesome.

Speed Reader and Aubrey of My Favorite Author because I love their theme months - especially January when they featured post-apocalyptic lit.

Taren of The Chick Manifesto because her VC Andrews obsession is fascinating.

Kristi of The Story Siren because I adore her Books to Pine For posts, among others, and though she has every award under the sun, she doesn't have the Zombie Chicken award yet.

Sadako of Dibbly Fresh because she's made me laugh so many times with her snarky commentary on vintage YA and children's lit.

Kathy of Bermudaonion because she's the queen of comments and she started up the Wondrous Words Wednesday meme.

Beth Kephart because her thoughtful and thought provoking posts always ring true.

Better pass it on.... ;)


  1. Lenore, you totally adorable nut.


    Thank you.

    Well. Look. I'm gonna have to figure out how to pass this on, in my own freaky weird way (because I'm not nothing if not freaky weird).

    John Deere, eh? Would you like to trade some John Deere for global health care forces?

  2. Congratulations to you and thanks so much for awarding me this adorable award. It means a lot to me!

  3. What a unique, creative award. Congratulations!!

  4. congratulations. what a fun award :-)

  5. Congrats on the award

    btw..I gave you another type of award :)

  6. Lenore,

    I went all vlog on you (and my little blog world) in response....


  7. Great links! I love those blogs.

  8. Thanks Lenore! You totally rock! I love your blog and you are responsible for so many of my book purchases. :)

  9. Isn't Cathy awesome?! She offered to feature me after we've moved to the new place! Shame on you for giving me even more blogs to read!!!

  10. I love love love the zombie chickens. Didn't your husband draw them? Anyway, I've nominated you for the Sisterhood award. Go check it out.

  11. That has to be the coolest award ever!! And I haven't even heard of many of those blogs! I'm shocked at how big the blogging world is sometimes...I'll have to check them all out!

  12. And because I love you so much, there's another award waiting for you on my blog!

  13. The Zombie Chicken Award? Too funny!

  14. Thanks! I had no idea there was such an award but now that I know, I'm very happy.

  15. Congrats! Love it - Zombie chickens.. Thanks for pointing me to some new ( for me ) blogs..

  16. This award cracks me up! Congratulations!

  17. Congrats! That's the best award I've ever seen!

  18. People come up with some of the greatest awards...congrats...looks like a great bunch of nominees.

  19. You're AWESOME, L. Thanks for this! <3


  20. I'm on a journey searching for the origins of the Zombie Chicken, following the links back from blog to blog. It's been a long journey but one day I hope to meet the creator of the Zombie Chicken! :-)


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