Thursday, April 23, 2009

Book Review: Death by Denim by Linda Gerber

In this third (and final?) installment of the Death by... series, Aphra is once again in danger, only this time, she gets to jetset around France and Italy. Not that she can really enjoy it when she is being used as a pawn in a life-threatening game...

I enjoyed both previous books in this series (read my Death by Bikini review and my Death by Latte review), so I was very much looking forward to joining Aphra on her latest high-stakes adventure.

The action has really been pumped up this time around. In fact, the pace is so breakneck that the book is over before you know it. There are some very memorable Seth/Aphra scenes that kind of reminded me of George Clooney/Jennifer Lopez in Out of Sight. I mean how hot is making out on a dirty factory floor with your hands cuffed behind your back while evil goons plan your doom in the next room?

So yeah, I like the way the series wrapped up, and I'm happy that the epilogue left the door open for the possibility of more Aphra-centered thrillers in the future.

Death by Denim will be released on May 14th - so you still have time to get the first two and get caught up before diving into this one.


  1. Cool series. I've always wanted to read this!

  2. This sounds like a good series.

  3. You guys should check it out. They are quick, fun reads.

  4. Psst...I gave you an award here:

  5. Hee, I need to start thinking about my review of this one. I sure hope Linda's publisher decides to order more.

  6. I've never actually gotten around to really reading this series. I skimmed the first one quickly when a friend bought it, but I never got to..absorb it, if that makes any sense.

    Great review, it's reminded me that I should add these onto my TBR :).

  7. I can't wait to read this one. I enjoyed the first two in the series. Plus, the covers are great!

  8. I love the cover! Great review!

  9. Love the titles and the cover art!! Your review was very cool and it sounds like I'm going to have to read this series!!

  10. I have the first and should be getting the second soon. This series sounds really good. I'll have to read them asap! ;)

  11. These books totally read like action movies! LOVE.

  12. I am so excited to start this one, its next in my TBR pile! I just loved the first two--Linda is excellent! I'm hoping to see more of Seth is DBD....(:

  13. I just received Death by Bikini from the library and was trying to remember why it was on my list - now I remember! It was because of your review! I'm glad to hear this third installment is just as good. I'll have to get to Bikini and then Latte!

  14. I just love the book covers for this series. I really must get the first one to read!

  15. Just wanna know, it this book the last book of the series?

  16. Hi Nikki - It is the last one planned for now. But the end is left open, so you never know!


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