Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (9)

I haven't done this for a few weeks, so I have a lot to catch up on!

1. First up - awards. I do love to hear that you love to read my blog and I appreciate all the awards. Jen of 50 for Jen gave me my first Super Commenter award, and I am very excited about this one, because one of my blog goals for the year was to comment more. In fact, for the first 3 months of this year, I recipricated EVERY comment that was left on my blog. Sadly, I've fallen behind in April and have decided that I can no longer be so strict in my reciprocity. But I WILL keep commenting as much as I can!

I was also excited to get various awards from purplg8R of So Many Books, So Little Time, Tiqa Khari of Good Girls Read Books, Anna of Diary of an Eccentric, Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit, Shalonda, Mishel, The Book Resort, H of About Books, Sadako of Dibbly Fresh, and SunShine.

2. I also won a few contests recently! I won The Crimes of Paris A True Story of Murder, Theft & Detection by Dorothy & Thomas Hoobler from Mo at Unmainstream Mom Reads. I won a signed copy of Lament by Maggie Stiefvater from Liviania at In Bed With Books (yay! a Flux book!), Galway Bay by Mary Pat Kelley from Julie P. at Booking Mama (my stepmother grabbed this to read it first), and Buffalo Lockjaw by Greg Ames from Gayle at Everyday I Read the Book Blog. Can't wait to read all these.

3. Not too many books in my mailbox lately, but I did get Milestones by Samira Armin Hodges (from the author for review) and The Secret Keeper by Paul Harris (for a June blog tour).

4. All of the review requests I've received since I posted a discussion post about authors requesting reviews last Saturday have been great - personalized and with complete info. The pitches were so great in fact that I am now schelduling reviews for October already - eeek! I need to learn to say 'no' more often...

5. The weather here during our Easter holiday was gorgeous! Sunny, warm, and slightly breezy - perfect weather for a few long bike rides along the river. It's raining and chilly again today, but I'm thankful for any nice days we get!

6. I found an online shop that sells Felidae cat food here and that makes me very happy. Emmy really loves it and it's good for her. Sure it is more expensive than other brands, but I want her to have the benefit of all natural cat food with no fillers or animal by-products (read: animal feces - yes, it is found in a lot of cat food!). I got the Cat and Kitten formula so both Emmy and new kitty can eat the same food.

Whew - that took forever...What are you excited about this week?


  1. Thanks for taking the time to review my book. I'm not the least bit surprised at how busy you are. I think it's definitely a reflection of your continuing success!

  2. Aww I've missed the Friday Fab; glad you brought it back! And I think the "commenting more" idea is great. That's the best part about having a blog; all the friendships that get built. :) And congrats on your contest wins!

  3. I love these posts! And I'm so glad the review requesters are doing their homework and putting together better pitches! Our weather has been getting better, this morning was the first time i think it's been above 35 when i was waiting for the bus!

  4. Hi Lenore: YOU WON! drop me an e-mail with your mailing address at Nelaine(dot)Sanchez(at)gmail(dot)com so that Hachette can send you your copy of Girls in Trucks.

    Congrats, Nely

  5. I think your reviewer post was a hit. What a great discussion!
    This week I'm excited about revising. I love when I feel like I have my arms around it.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Wow- you won a lot of stuff! Seems like you had a great week- It is always great to discover good cat food!!

  7. Wow, you've had a great week - awards and wins! I got a very personalized request for a review this week and it made me think of you.

  8. congrats on winning over at All About {n}. Commenting is the hard part, yet sooo essential to blogging! Ack, note to self, comment more often. :-)

    I look forward to a beautiful sunny Saturday!!

  9. Great post Lenore. :) I LOVE Lament by Maggie Stiefvater. I reviewed that one on my blog soon after it came out. (and I love Flux books too)

    On a seperate note, yay for getting Felidae! lol An animal shelter I used to volunteer for (I'm with a different one now) fed nothing but Felidae for cats, and Canidae for dogs. And they were one of only two places in town where you can buy the food. Sadly my cats won't eat natural food, everytime I buy it, even when I mix it with their food, they throw up. *sigh*

  10. Congrats on the awards and all the recent giveaway wins! Have a great weekend!

  11. Reciprocating every comment is amazing! I don't manage that and I have way less comments than you to keep on top of!

  12. Of course you get lots of review requests and awards - your blog is awesome. Congratulations on everyting! (and BTW I'm dying to see more new kitten pics when he comes home!)

  13. You are popular! All those awards...

  14. Personally, I'm just excited about it being Friday.

    Oh, and we're going to go see State of Play tomorrow with Russell Crowe and Ben Affleck. It's getting pretty good reviews.

  15. Yeah for your rewards! I need to post a pic of my kitty soon. Soon soon soon!

  16. Wow that is a lot! Emmy should be happy!

  17. Sounds like you had a great week! :-)

  18. Ooh, that mystery/detective book sounds fun.

    I'm looking forward to the fact that Wintergirls finally came in at the library (had an interlibrary loan) and now I can finally read it!

  19. Lots of neat stuff happening your way :) The thing I'm most excited about this week is we'll finally be closing on buying the house Friday and we'll start moving in and stuff over the weekend and next week.

  20. I reeeeeally want Milestones, it looks soooooooo good. :)


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