Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (49) + picture of Emmy

This week's question from Wendi: Have you explored the different styles? Have you customized any of the styles? If so, what are your favorite customized items (isbn, Dewey Decimal, Reviews, Book-Swap, etc)?

I have explored the different styles. I prefer a slightly customized style B because I like looking at covers. So I have covers, author's name, book title, rating, tags, and the shared column. I have the list view as default, but I like browse through the covers view and update covers every now and then. I still have more work to do there, adding covers for some books with no default images and changing the default cover in some cases to the cover I actually have.


When I look at this picture of Emmy I'm speechless. She stayed in that position for quite awhile. Gotta love that expression on her face!


  1. Only cats can be comfortable in the strangest positions!

  2. Speechless is not a word I often associate with you, dear Lenore. But that cat of yours! She is magic.

  3. that kitty has one big white belly...

    as to the LT...too many options is not a good thing for me. I can
    'waste' a lot of time fooling around with them.

  4. Emmy looks like she's discovered a new kind of kitty Pilates to keep her in shape! I think she also knows how adorable she is.

  5. Heheh! I would not have guessed that's what her feet would look like!

  6. Love the kitty pic!

    I use style B, too, for the same reason - the covers.

  7. So cute. She looks ready for a belly rub. :)

  8. I didn't know there were different styles on LT. Emmy is adorable as always - she almost looks like she has slippers on her back feet in that picture.

  9. Awwww - somebody wants their tummy scritched!

    I also use Style B because I love the covers. My answer is here.

  10. cats are funny...she looks very comfortable.

  11. Hi Emmy, you're so cute. Wanna come over and play with my dog?

  12. http://dibblyfresh1.blogspot.com/ Nominated you for an award on my blog!

  13. awww so cute!!! adorable as always.

  14. I love it! Animals are strange in the ways they find comfy. It's so cute how she looks like she's wearing socks in this pic. Too cute.

  15. Haha, Emmy is such a character!

    I have a preferred style for LT and I am really anal about having the correct covers on mine.

  16. I'm with you on option B - I wouldn't be happy without my covers. And emmy is gorgeous as ever.

  17. She's going to be so adorable with her brother!

  18. The new LT shelf is lovely!
    Emmy is so cute ^_^

  19. What a GORGEOUS cat -- and you gotta love the way they always find a way to get comfortable :-)

  20. She's so cute! (I feel like I say that a lot. I mean it though!) It looks like she's thinking, "Hurry up and get the shot!" ;)

  21. Another priceless picture of Emmy!

  22. I have to take a look at customizing, sounds interesting.

    Emmy is just too cute!!

  23. She's absolutely adorable! Is she by any chance part Ragdoll? My Ragdoll will sit on her back for a while, too. Especially for a belly rub. ;)

  24. I love looking at the covers too! Emmy looks awfully comfortable. :)

  25. Ooo my! <3
    I SO want to tickle that belly! It looks so soft!
    My cat gets comfy in the strangest poses, too; I envy him for that. :)

  26. I know I've said it before but Emmy has to be the most relaxed cat I've ever seen. She's priceless.

  27. Lol, look at those adorable paws! She looks like she's wearing socks :)

  28. Hi Lenore! Emmy looks really content in that picture - and just as cute as always.

    I love to see the covers on the books in my library almost as much as any of the other information. I didn't realize you could change the images, or that you could add pics. Are you just scanning them in and uploading them? I'll have to see if I can add any.

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week, have you seen the LT Helper Badges? ~ Wendi


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