Friday, April 3, 2009

March Reading in Review

This month my reading goal was again to clear some review books from the ole TBR. 10 of the 12 books I read were sent for review - not bad. I wish I could read double that amount though.


Read and reviewed 9 YA novels

Undercover by Beth Kephart
13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
Willow by Julia Hoban + Interview
In Too Deep by Jennifer Banash + Interview
The Elite by Jennifer Banash
If I Stay by Gayle Forman
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Absolutely Maybe by Lisa Yee
Rampant by Diana Peterfreund

And 3 adult novels

First Daughter by Eric Van Lustbader
The Music Teacher by Barbara Hall
The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King

Search Terms

Didn't have any remarkable ones this month, but I did get about 10 e-mails asking for my help with book reports! I've heard of other bloggers getting these, but this was a first for me, and when it rains, it pours.


I had 8,000 visits in March - I'm on an upward trend!

Not counting my three contests, my most commented post was my book review of 13 Little Blue Envelopes where I recounted 13 of my own European adventures. Thinking about doing a part 2.

How was your March for reading?


  1. Help with book reports??? What did they want from you exactly? Random!

  2. Help with book reports? Ok, that's sounding scary and like a little too much work maybe. lol.

  3. Oh, you wanted me to be more specific...

    Most of them were about MT Anderson's Feed. Themes and such. A couple about The Book Thief.

  4. LOL so much for going to the library and looking through research materials! I guess those books are too new for that stuff.

  5. You read some really great books! and you get so many visits! great job!

  6. I've never gotten a request for help with a book report. Obviously you come across smarter than I do.

  7. You read a lot of books, all good ones. And 8000 is a lot!!! Good luck with the book reports, those sound tough.

  8. Well, Thao... I am not really going to help anyone with their book reports. As if I have time for that!

  9. Yes, I could actually see one of my AP kids wanting to take the easy way out. :) It's that time of year, and they're burning out. Sad.

    As for my month, it wasn't as good as yours in the reading department! I only read 6 novels, but about a MILLION student papers. Wish I could count that somehow!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I read 7 books of my own choosing and 4 more for review ... not too bad. I felt like all my reading was for reviews but I guess it wasn't!

    BTW, you get 20x the traffic that I do ... I'm going to have to step it up here!

  12. huh? why would you help somebody with a book report? :0 lol That's sort of odd/
    I actually never liked Maureen Johnsons books, they had no action to me. I felt like there was no excitement...

  13. Book report help?
    Did they want you to write it for them? =O

  14. What did the book report people want?

    I read 12 ^_^ most of them were bargain book cause my bookstore had a big sale

  15. March started out slow but ended with a very nice bang.

    I don't think it's so bad asking Lenore for help. For all we know, they may have simply wanted her opinion because they like her reviews. And I'm sure Lenore encouraged them to use documented sources but if the books were new releases, reference materials would be slim if any. :-)

  16. I see a lot of book reports in my search terms but nobody actually emailing for them! You had a great month. I need to clear my review pile too. My goal in April is to do better w/ comments. So here I am committing to do better!

  17. your list of books is really good and book reports??? from teens?? charge them by the word!! LOL!!

    Please, pretty please do a part 2!!!

  18. I've read like 3 books this month....I really need to catch up! Eeeek!

  19. Check out my blog. I read 11 books this month.

    The traffic on your blog is incredible!!! You go girl!

  20. I am so glad somebody else seems to obsess about her tbr pile. Today I wrote one submission, one post and half a review. That took six hours!

    Maybe I should try contacting bloggers and asking them for book reviews!

  21. Great list! I think I got through 9 or 10 books in March. Which I'm pretty happy with.

    The book reports thing is too funny! I have a hard time wrapping my head around that because I didn't have the internet when it was time to write book reports. The closest we had was Clifs notes, which my mom would never get me. :)

  22. Wow, it never even occurred to me that people would email about book reports although lots of my search term hits seem to be for book reports.

    I read 20 books and it almost killed me!

  23. I read a bunch but so many were like YA books that take an hour to read, hehe.

    That's funny about the book reports, though. I can def. see why--this would be a great source if I were a lazy/procrastinate-y student type.

  24. I read a lot more than usual for me in March! Looks like you read a couple that I have on my want list :)

  25. I've never heard of emails about book reports, but now that I said that...

    Looks like you had a good month! Btw, I left you an award here.

    Diary of an Eccentric


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