Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (26) Wonderwall by Elizabeth Hand

Remember the song Wonderwall by Oasis? The chorus is "Because maybe you're gonna be the one to save me. And after all, you're my wonderwall." And it sounds like a wonderwall is doing some saving in this upcoming novel as well.

Summary rom the Fall 2009 Penguin catalog:
Seventeen-year-old Meredith lives for her art—but after her girlfriend Lindsey commits suicide, even that can’t save her. Desperate, Mer abandons art school and makes her way home to Washington, D.C., intending to kill herself. A chance street encounter leads her to a lockhouse by the river, which leads her to craft something remarkable—a wall painting that is a doorway through art and time. Through it comes the young Arthur Rimbaud, the “child poet,” who is equally desperate. The two artists—one visual, one verbal—change each other’s lives. The brilliant Elizabeth Hand, author of Generation Loss, Waking the Moon, and the World Fantasy Award–winning Illyria, has crafted a story that will burn itself into readers’ minds.

I am very excited about the combination of art and time travel and I can't wait to see how it plays out. Release date is set for October 15.


  1. I'm already hooked. Sounds so good!

  2. I'm going to have that song in my head all day!
    This sounds interesting, I'll have to add it to my list!

  3. Hmm sounds too depressing for me but at the same time it might be worth it, sounds interesting... trying to stay open minded!

  4. Loved the song. Loved this synopsis. Will be seeing what this is about!

  5. Like Katie, I'm going to have that song in my head all day! Looks like a great book!

  6. I do remember that song - sounds like it'd make a good soundtrack for the book.

  7. Sounds great and I adore that song.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. oh wow this sounds so cool. We really do have similar taste in books. Can you tell me where to find the penguin catalog? When I was trying to come up with some titles the other day I looked for one but couldn't find it.

  10. Oh wow, this sounds great. I like the cover too.

  11.'s too far away! This sounds amazing and I really really want to read it now. Great pick.


  12. I don't know the song, but the book does sound great!

  13. This sounds really good...unique and interesting :)

    Definetely on my list.

  14. Wow, amazing choice!! I really loved Oasis' song as well. I'll definitely have to look for this one (=

  15. wow this sounds amazing and I can't wait for it!

  16. I've always thought time travel would be tricky to write because the past changes the futur and all that so I'd interested to see how the author does it.

  17. Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head! ;P

    Diary of an Eccentric

  18. geesh, I don't think I can wait that long!!! Thanks, now I will be singing that song for the next week!!

  19. This does sound like it will be good! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  20. That sounds terrific - although I think I would buy it for the cover alone!

  21. Wow that's a neat cover! It sounds like a neat story overall too.

  22. Sounds like a very original plot! I'll remember it, that's for sure :)

  23. This is one I will be looking for, thanks!


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