Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (27) The Long Wait for Tomorrow by Joaquin Dorfman

I'm a sucker for these time travel stories, especially ones where characters go back to set things right that once went wrong (a la Quantum Leap). The summary for this one hooked me instantly (though the cover leaves a lot to be desired).

From the Random House catalog:

Joaquin Dorfman is back with another smart novel that pushes the envelope of literary fiction, examining identity, high school roles, and even the high-blown concept of destiny through a cool science-fiction lens. What if, in a Freaky Friday moment, a wise and humble 40-year-old man woke one morning to find himself transported back in time, into his body more than 20 years before, when he was the popular, entitled, and arrogant quarterback of the school football team? Could the man do anything to stop a tragedy initiated by the cruel actions of the boy, or is fate too strong a force? It’s the small-town football worship of Friday Night Lights with a dark and unsettling Donnie Darko twist.

And so, here begins "The Long Wait for" September 22nd when this will be released. (Sorry - I know that was dorky, but I had to do it.)


  1. Did they really have to name drop Donnie Darko? Now I'm intrigued ...

  2. I know right? There were so many buzz words in there that attracted me - identity, time travel, and Donnie Darko chief among them. So I really hope it lives up to its tease.

  3. I do not normally enjoy time travel stories - but your synopsis of this one has definitely caught my interest. I will put it on the TBR list and wait patiently until fall to read it.

  4. ahh this does look good. interesting premise. must add to list.

  5. I'm not big on time travel stories either, but I do love that cover.

  6. Oh man every time I've watched a dvd lately there has been a trailer for the new Donnie Darko movie, that bunny & his voice just scares the crap out of me! I did enjoy the first movie but could never watch it alone! The last few weeks when I close my eyes to go to sleep I see and hear that bunny :(

    And sadly reading the blurb made me think of that new Zac Efron movie, what is it called 17 Again?? But he doesn't go back in time... lol! I need help!

  7. Alea - how scary! I'd hate to have that bunny's voice in my head while I fall asleep.

    It's funny how these things converge sometimes isn't it? And the connections we make? I try never to think about Zac Efron!

  8. Lenore- I know! I was like should I even go there... and I was like ah what the heck I'll go there! :P

  9. Oh my! This book sounds amazing!

    I have not read any time travel stories yet, so this just may end up being my first.

  10. The cover certainly is different enough to intrigue me.

  11. As a kid who grew up watching Quantum Leap I instantly perked up and read the summary closely!! I agree with you, the cover, not so good. Probably wouldn't grab my attention...we should do an email campaign and suggest something different because the premise sounds fantastic!! Thanks for highlighting this book because I will definitely be reading it!!

  12. This sounds good-I loved Quantum Leap.

  13. Sounds amazing! All these cool books are coming out in September. ahhh it's too longggg.

  14. No time travel stories Shalonda? They are my bread and butter!

    PJ - The cover is definitely different!

    Staci - Think they'd listen? I am not really sure what to suggest instead.

    Lauren - I know! September is going to ROCK!!

  15. Oh my, this sounds really interesting. Totally loved Donnie Darko, so that grabs me too. Hmm, I wonder if anyone's ever made a list of books that are similar to D.Darko...

  16. I think it's just mean that authors make us wait for SO long to read their books *pout*

  17. Joanne - I don't know, but that would be a list I'd want to read, for sure.

    Tink - I think the authors want us to read their books's the publishers that are holding out on us ;)

  18. This does sound good! I hadn't heard of this one before. Thanks for the tip!

  19. Hmmm...looks like I'll be waiting for this one too.


    That I <3.

    Which means this goes on my wishlist!

  21. This book sounds really intriguing, I will have to check it out when it hits the bookstores. But that cover is kinda awful.

  22. This really sounds great! I love the idea! You rock!

  23. There seems to be a few books coming out with this premise - not necessarily going back to right a wrong, but going back to do it over again, or to choose another path. Regardless - they all sound good!


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