Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are you registered with Technorati?

This week I happened upon a post that talked about what publishers look for when sending out review copies to book bloggers. You can read the entire post at The Book Publicity Blog, but what stood out most to me is that publicity people look at your technorati authority rating. This shows how many technorati registered blogs linked to your content over the past 6 months and shows how relatively popular your blog is. Trouble is, if mostly unregistered blogs link to you, your rating will be low despite how popular you might really be. I have a feeling a lot of you out there with YA blogs are not registered, so why not promote your own blog and support the YA blogging community not just by linking to other blogs but also by making your links count? Register your blog at It's been awhile since I did it, but it must have been fairly simply since I managed to register successfully.

P.S. It is free!


  1. This looks cool. My blog isn't really about reviewing up and coming books, though, so I'm not sure if I should register...but maybe I will anyway! Just for fun.

    Anyway, thanks for mentioning it!

  2. I'm not a Technorati person but I got this link from Kristin Nelson's blog, It can actually compare your website to others and you can see where you can in "popularity." I think it's a little more accurate than Technorati in that it measures hits to the site as opposed to registration.

  3. I just ran you through the link popularity check and you're a Contender! You're doing better than me and the Story Siren. We just have an "average presence." :)

  4. Sadako - Technorati is for all kinds of blogs and sites.

    Donna - It IS most likely more accurate, but as long as publicists still depend on technorati, it pays to be registered there as well.

  5. Interesting post! Makes me glad I signed up for Technorati back when I first started my blog :-) Funny how much everything seemed to be a learning process back then...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The problem I have with technorati (and I've been registered there about two years) is that they go down a lot. As in, their services are spotty at best. So when they're working, yes, they're good at keeping up with links. But when they're down, they're not. Still, I'm with you that more people should register just so their links will 'count' more for everyone.

  8. You're right Becky. I have noticed that they are down pretty frequently. But at least they inform me better than google alerts of who is linking to me. Why have google alerts become so useless and what can I use instead (in addition to technorati).

  9. I claimed my blog!! Thanks for the heads up!

  10. Wait - what exactly is Technorati? I don't understand it.

  11. Thanks for the tip, I went and did it and yes, it was very easy!

  12. I'm registered although lately they've been going through some sort of massive upgrade. There's been a lot of downtime and poor service. I'm hoping once they're done Technorati will go back to being useful.

  13. I have just signed up. Thanks for the post: I had never heard of Technorati before.

  14. Thanks for the good advice. Annoyingly, I can't seem to sign up right now, but I'll be sure to soon.

  15. Huh...funny. I have one of those, but I am not really worried about reviewing arcs. Books are books...and I want to read 'em!

  16. Mine has been registered for awhile now but haven't really logged in till now to see what my rating is. Interesting. Thanks for the reminder about this.

  17. Huh. I'll check it out. Very interesting

  18. Good reminder! I registered early on.

  19. I've just gone and registered -

  20. Dull boy

    Looks like fun

    suefitz @ yahoo (dot) com.

  21. Have also posted on twitter


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