Thursday, May 28, 2009

BEA and NYC Plans

When you read this, I'll be on a plane headed to New York City! In case you are also in NYC and want to meet me (except scary stalkers), you might find me at the following events:

Thursday May 28 Teen Author Carnival at the Jefferson Market Branch Library

Friday May 29 Book Expo America

5:30 am: Standing in line for Catching Fire author signing tickets - wish me luck!

10 -11 am: Signing at Firebrand/NetGalley's booth #4077. See whole blogger signing schedule to see when you can meet your favorite bloggers.

11 - 11:30 am: Author Signing Table 9 Laurie Faria Stolarz signing the sequel to Deadly Little Secret call ed Deadly Little Lies.

2:30 pm: Start lining up for Suzanne Collins Catching Fire at Table 2 (hopefully, if I snag a ticket)

4 pm: Author signing table 20 Joshua Ferris for his new book The Unnamed

Saturday May 30 Book Expo America

Events tbd. But I want to try to fit in signings by Laini Taylor (Lips Touch), Justine Larbalastier (Liar), Maggie Stiefvater (Ballad and Shiver), and Sarah Zarr (Once Was Lost).

Geektastic Party at Lucky Strike Lanes! Bowling!

Sunday May 31 My Birthday. YAY!


  1. I'm jealous! Any chance of gettign an extra copy or two of Catching Fire? :P Have fun!

  2. Lenore,
    Have a wonderful time there!! I wish I could've gone so have fun for me!!

  3. Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm so jealous. Have lots of fun for me. Take pictures too. And Catching Fire? Some people just have all the luck.

  4. Oh I hope you have a lot of fun this weekend! Happy early Birthday!

  5. Oh, how I wish I was going. Hopefully next year. . . .

  6. I'm so jealous - but in a good way :D Have a blast - hopefully I can go next year (keeping fingers crossed).

  7. Lenore!! Enjoy your trip. Have a wonderful time. I hope that you get to those events that you want and I cannot wait to hear of your adventures.

  8. Oh, hooray! I'll be at TAC too, so hopefully I will meet you there! :)

  9. Great way to celebrate your birthday! And you should try to get LIAR - I went to an event when she was finishing it up and it sounds very, very cool.

  10. Have fun at the BEA and Happy Birthday!

  11. Have fun.
    I hope you can get that ticket!

  12. Woah, early morning! Hope you're able to catch some sleep. :)

  13. I hope you'll get to see whatever you want. Please come back with heaps of pictures ^^

  14. so so SO jealous of early Catching Fire!

  15. I want Catching Fire... but I'm a 2 hour drive from NYC so 5:30 am is NOT happening.

  16. Have a great time. My bday is the day after yours!

  17. I'll see you at the booth tomorrow! I'll be the one with the giant red bag! And the purple ones under my eyes.

  18. Happy (early) Birthday!!!!! =D

    I'm so happy I met you today ^.^ =D =D =D

    have fun @ BEA (best of luck w/ Catching Fire!!!!!!!!)
    maybe I'll see you there ^.^

  19. I cannot WAIT to hear more.

    And what are you signing? Those lucky souls!

  20. Happy birthday, Lenore!! Have fun at BEA!

  21. Jealous over here.. :) I hope your birthday is grand!


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