Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (10)

1. Ever wonder how much street buskers make in 4 hours playing guitar with a tip jar out in front of them? Well, I now have an answer for you.

Remember that ice skater. Mitch, we met awhile ago? Well, his tour is over and he asked if he could stay with us a few days. He said he was bringing a friend. The friend is playing guitar and singing on the streets all over Europe. Yesterday he rocked out in Frankfurt's shopping district and came away with 95 Euros for 4 hours of playing. Not too shabby! See him in action on YouTube.

2. You might recall that Amber Gibson, teensreadtoo reviewer and model, won a copy of Beautiful Americans back in November. Now she's competing in a Facebook competition to be the next face of Smashbox cosmetics. So if you are on Facebook, take a minute to support a fellow book lover and vote for Amber. (Just type Amber in to the search field to find her more easily). You can vote daily until June 21st, and each time you vote, you'll be entered to win a swag bag from Smashbox. I love their Photo Finish primer especially.

3. Did I mention I am going to BookExpoAmerica in NYC?!! And that Steph, Alea, Amy, Natasha, Trish, Kathy, Jenn, Candace, Carey and I (and Sharon? Julie?) are going to be waiting in the Catching Fire line at 5:30 am? If that isn't blogger bonding, I don't know what is! I am also going to be part of a whole book blogger signing extravaganza at Firebrand's booth (4077), and my slot is on Friday, May 29th at 10:30 am - 11 am. (See the whole scheldule.) I just ordered cards to pass out, so hopefully they'll be done on time. Come by and see me. Maybe I'll have chocolate too.

4. Got a ton more blog awards since I last did a FF post, but I'm pressed for time, so I will just say a general thank you to everyone. I really do appreciate each and every one. It's always nice to hear that you like my reviews - makes putting in all the time especially worth it.

5. Crazy, Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted landed in my mailbox!

6. Had a wonderful trip to Lisbon and my recap with pictures will be up tomorrow latest (sorry for the delay, but things have been crazy around here!)


  1. Oooh, I hope you get a copy of Catching Fire!

  2. Can't wait for BEA!! I will see you there :D

  3. I enjoyed the YouTube video. When we lived in France, Vance used to always suggest begging for money or playing music for money. Keep in mind he was 4 when we moved there and 6 when we left.

  4. Oh, I meant to add that I think Julie will be waiting in line with us too!

  5. The more the merrier! I'll edit her in :)

  6. Have a great time in New York. When I worked in publishing, I love trade shows. You meet amazing people.

  7. It is a fabulous Friday! I've been counting down to the weekend since Tuesday :)

    Can't wait to meet you at BEA. We all need to figure out how to clone ourselves.

  8. Dawn, are you waiting in line with us too?

  9. Ooh, jealous here! Enjoy the BookExpoAmerica : )

  10. So many cool things in this post! I love the Smashbox primer too-I can't go without it. And I wish I could stand in line with you all at BEA-have fun!!

  11. I'll go vote for Amber. Have fun reading Crazy Beautiful, and at Book Expo America too, of course ^^

  12. Yay for Book Expo! Hopefully I will get to go next year.

    And yay for Crazy Beautiful! I received a copy this week too and am so excited to read it.

  13. I want to be there in NYC too!! Have fun bonding!!!

  14. I wish I could drop by and see you at BEA. It feels like so near and yet so far. Only a 3 hour train ride but four days before my due date, so not the best travel time!

    Good luck getting a copy of Catching Fire and and have a great time at BEA.

  15. Oooh he was playing The Cranberries, gotta love that! Yes I totally am up for Catching Fire!

  16. Lenore - thanks for posting this :) I really appreciate each and every vote!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.


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