Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (54) + picture of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi: Were you aware that LT had a mobile version of the site? Do you ever visit sites via a mobile device? Can you think of anything this would help you with?

I wasn't aware of it, but I'm not surprised. Guess what though? I don't have a PDA and my cell phone is not web-enabled so I have no way to visit via mobile device (short of stealing Daniel's cell, which is web-enabled). I guess I should probably get with the program and get a web-enabled mobile device, but I am really a late adapter in these kind of things. I didn't even have a cell phone until about 5 years ago. I can imagine that having one would make me an even bigger internet addict than I already am, so it is probably for the best that I don't have one.


Now that the weather is finally warming up, I've stacked the extra blankets next to our bed (for easy access just in case). Of course, Emmy now likes to play the princess and the pea...


  1. Who could blame her? I bet it's comfy on all those blankets!

    I don't have internet on my phone either. I'll probably get it when I get a job though and my first actual cell phone contract. I went from my parents' plan to pay-as-you-go on which internet is stupidly expensive.

  2. Emmy always makes me brings a nice calm start to my day.

    Lenore, I want to say SAFE travels and HAPPY BEA. It sounds so amazing to me that you'll be able to meet so many of the friends you've been making....

  3. Those furry babies of ours always think that freshly folded or laundered blankets are especially for them!

    My Oliver is a long-haired cat and his shedding is unbelieable. Do you have the same problem?

  4. Princess and the Pea! I didn't get a cell phone until I was a Junior in college and it was only because I was moving into a house where no one else wanted a land line! I'm on the internet all the time so it's probably good I don't have it on my phone too!

  5. Emmy is so cute. And I bet those blankets are really comfortable!

  6. You know what? I still don't have a cell phone. I guess I'll get one when I need one. Cute pic!

  7. I've never looked at LT on a mobile device. Emmy looks so regal in that picture!

  8. I have a cell phone, but it is a 'dumb' one...

    speaking of dumb, Bandit loved to sit up on a pillow that you put on your lap, like his throne, and then have his belly rubbed....wait...who is the dumb one, us or him...lol

  9. Something inherent about cats loving piles of blankets! I love Tuesday's because I know I'm going to get my "Emmy" fix. When do you get the new kitten?

  10. Emmy looks so comfy on those blankets!

    I have a cell phone but I very rarely use it. I'm really such a stay-at-home soul. I am, though, going to be getting a netbook! and I'm going to see if I have need of a usb modem (in case I ever do leave the house to live a life ...)

  11. My cats done the same with some quilts stacked in a corner of the den. They have to be washed again before we store them though. They're covered in her hair!

  12. *sigh* I will never get tired of looking at cute animal pictures.

  13. I just love Emmy pictures. It definitely adds to my week. She does look like the little princess that she is on top of those quilts. Too cute.

  14. definitely wants to snuggle with Emmy :)

  15. I love my Blackberry and could never go back to a regular phone. I've looked at LT on it, but don't use it too much.

  16. Lenore, I figured out the misdirection of clicking on my name. seems I typed my web address as xxxxxxx.BLOGPOT instead of BLOGSPOT as all Blogger address are.

    I tried it with some other Blogger sites and if you make the same error, they all go to that bible site.

  17. Hello,

    I've just given your blog an award. Please vist my blog Just Jennifer Reading to claim it!

  18. That's exactly what I thought of before I read what you had written. She looks like she's ready declare that someone had better remove that pea!

  19. Emmy looks so cozy! :)

    I've had a cell phone for a while, and I know it CAN browse the internet and email, but I refuse to pay extra to do it!!

    :) Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week. ~ Wendi


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