Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (55) + picture of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi: Is there anything you would like to see added to the Library Thing site? Is there something you like on another bookshelf style site that LT doesn't have?

You know, I don't even use LibraryThing to its' full potential, so it's hard for me to say. I do like how GoodReads lets you divide your bookshelves into read, currently reading, and to-read. I know I could do that using tabs on LibraryThing, but it just looks cooler on GoodReads.


Since I leave in two days for Book Expo America in New York City, I've been cleaning, packing, scheduling posts for the blog and printing out my airline confirmation, hotel confirmation, BEA registration confirmation, etc. (Still working on my schedule too!) Well, Emmy's sure helping me out with the printing...


  1. I think she looks jealous! Either that or fascinated by the paper coming out. ;)

  2. Emmy's such a great helper! I don't use LT to its full potential either.

  3. Awe Emmy is so cute! I hope you have lots of fun at BEA.

  4. I like that feature of GoodReads, too. And the fact that you can add your own shelves makes it much easier to keep everything categorized.

    Emmy looks like she's just about got that machine all figured out!

  5. What a sweet picture! I bet she likes the warmth from the printer.

  6. Have a great time on your trip!

  7. Is that? Can it be? Why yes it is! It's Sarah Ockler's book! :D I think Emmy is fascinated by the bright colors from the printer :P

  8. Oh she looks too cute! I love it. I don't think she's very happy about you leaving though!

  9. Emmy is such a good helper! Have fun in New York!

  10. Enjoy your trip! I don't know what it is with cats and printers. Mine does the same thing.

  11. I just love Emmy! She makes me wish that I had a cat. :)

  12. I like that feature on GoodReads too. I also like the book club group feature on GR, but I haven't played with groups enough on LT to know if it would be a similar experience. Have a great trip! Kelly

  13. I just finished 20 Boy Summer too!

  14. This pic of Emmy is great, she's a terrific little supervisor!

    Hope you have a great time in New York :)

  15. ahhh!! love the picture!! Emmy's so cute! :D

  16. I do wish we could do more with our bookshelves. :)

    I hope you had a wonderful time at BEA!!

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week. ~ Wendi


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