Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Kitteh Update

Because I've been so busy with work projects this week and have STILL not finished Swoon (I really, really want to...I adore it), I thought I'd post a new kitteh update.

Dain von Dusterwald is coming home on June 11th, and in the meantime the breeder sends me pictures. We are actually looking for a new name, so you if have any suggestions, leave them in the comments!

Our bratty kitty is the one on the right. The other one is one of the 17 kittens currently living at the breeder.


  1. Your baby looks like he's got something to say. He's just darling.

  2. Hee! I am so glad you're getting the snarly one. I love him already. <3

  3. They are SO FREAKIN' CUTE! :-) I love the "brat's" expression, lol.

  4. AWWW! "Bratty" kitty has got some major cattitude. lol. They are sooo precious.

  5. Hahaha! He looks awesome! Naughty but awesome!

  6. Awww!

    Absolutely adorably cute! <3

  7. What a doll!!!! Your life will be interesting for a few days after you get him. Emmy will no longer be an "only cat". It will take her a couple of days to adjust to him, but I'm sure they'll do fine. You better watch any breakables tho, because they will be running through the apartment attacking each other (for fun of course!)

  8. I want to pick that kitteh up and hug him.

  9. LOL! That cat is fantastic! Just look at the attitude, can't wait to hear how Emmy feels about the new kitty :)

  10. Hi!
    Cute :-)

    Check this out:

  11. itteh bitteh *swoon* kittehs! i wanna snuggle snuggle snuggle!!!

  12. Awe He is so cute! Congratulations Kitty Mama!

  13. CUTIEEEEEE. And what's wrong with Dain as a name? Hehe. It sounds appropriate for his facial expression! :)

  14. Cuteness! They're so fluffy and adorable. (:

  15. Beautiful! I couldn't resist them. They would get too many cuddles and kisses from me.

  16. So so cute. Brings back memories a cute white cat I had years ago.

  17. He and Emmy will look so cute together!

  18. He's so cute! The feisty ones are always the winners in my book. =)

  19. I love your new kitten! He is adorable!

  20. AW, so cute! I'm no good with names so I can't help.

  21. Aw he's so cute! He looks a little mischievious!

    Do they have some way of marking which cat goes to who? They look so similar I'd be afraid the one I picked out was not the same one given to me. :P

  22. That kitten surely has attitude! What a great face :)

  23. I can't imagine having 17 kittens living in my house, but then I guess that's why I'm not a breeder. :)

    Your kitty is adorable! I'm bad about picking animal names, so I don't really have any suggestions.

  24. ooooh... that one will be a handful. So cute!

  25. Oh, he's so cute. He defintely looks like he may have an attitude. lol. It'll be so exciting bringing him home. I can't wait for the stories!

  26. Awww! I'm sorry... I have a weak spot for kittens. Adorable.

  27. Congrats on your new baby! I'll see if a name comes via a dream tonight. What do you think of the new Tori Amos CD?

  28. Why does the new cat look so much like Daniel?!??! haha.

  29. What about Hershey or Mr. Winter? He's SO cute!

  30. Totally adorable! I can't wait to see more pictures of the cutie-pie!


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