Saturday, June 27, 2009

Just Because

Today I talked to one of my best friends for the first time in a long time. It's hard keeping up with friends when you are so far away and you have so many that are scattered all over the globe. This particular friend is one that I've made an effort to visit at least once a year. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it takes a lot of effort to coordinate our busy scheldules, and though it's never enough, it's something. So today, when thinking about the book drive for Beth Kephart's new book NOTHING BUT GHOSTS, I thought of my friend and how she enjoys lyrical writing and women's stories and I decided to buy her NBG and another of my favorites NO ONE YOU KNOW by Michelle Richmond (which Beth won in my contest incidentally). There's no special occasion. Just because.

Speaking of book drives, I wanted to mention that Sarah Dessen's new book ALONG FOR THE RIDE debuted at the top of the New York Times best seller list. I haven't read it yet. I actually haven't read any of Sarah Dessen (I know - for shame). But I did feature it in one of my Penguin Prize Packs so I like to think I had the tiniest of parts in its' success. I'll also direct you to a contest going on over at SarahLand (until July 1st) where you can win 2 copies of ALONG FOR THE RIDE (one for you and one for your friend). Just because.

I was also thinking today how restless and unfulfilled I'd be if I didn't have access to books or the ability to read them. I look at my cats as they stare off into space and wonder how they can stand to laze around all day. They aren't even impressed by Taro Gomi's very colorful board book BUS STOPS (C'mon Finn, can't you find the dog?!) I know that's random, but I wanted to share. Just because.


  1. It IS hard to have friends (and family) all over the globe and coordinate visits. And I idea how I would stand to be an animal who does nothing but laze around all day. (without books and TV) Love the pic though!

  2. Glad you had a nice time talking!
    I'm totally of the camp of buying books just because. In fact, I am going to start doing this way more often. Maybe every time I really like a book, I'll go buy a duplicate and give it to someone I care about. Nice idea!

  3. Hi Lenore,

    My family is spread about the United States and Italy, so, it's very rare that I can see any of them. The internet is a savior though because we very rarely can coordinate visits. Usually only when something big happens.

    I also won an award for my blog and I am passing it on to you because your blog is one of my favorites to follow. You can pick up your award here


  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't read any of Sarah Dessen's books.

  5. Since I'm planning to see you while I'm in Europe, do you want me to grab a Dessen you can borrow?

  6. It's a lot harder than I'd imagined to keep in touch with friends so far away. I'm never home enough to visit them and even the friends I've made here will soon be spread across the UK. I'm glad you try so hard, I'm sure your friends are too.

    Finn is cute even if he doesn't read. ;)

  7. That's why it's so frightening that library funding is being cut. There are so many kids who get all their books from the library.

  8. It's interesting, but sometimes some friendships work best from a distance. I have a number of friends whom I don't talk to or see on a regular basis, yet when we do meet up, we can talk for hours and hours and pick up right where we left off. Still, it's wonderful of you and your friend to make an effort to see each other at least once a year!

  9. You know, my cats never seem interested in my books either. Unless they are trying to eat them. *Sigh*

    It is great to do things 'just because'. I hardly remember to do things when I am supposed to (birthday calls, for example). I need to do things more 'just because'. It will help when two weeks later I miss their birthday. :)

  10. The kitten is just too cute!!!

  11. I'm almost done with Along For The Ride -- I have about 50 pages to go! I'm such a Sarah Dessen fan and am thrilled for her that the book debuted at No. 1... that's amazing! The novel is great, full of everything I've come to expect from her work: love, family dynamics, a great narrator. I definitely recommend it!

  12. Great pic of Finn--he sure has long whiskers.

  13. I hadn't read any Dessen yet either, but I just finished This Lullaby and really enjoyed it. I'm off to see if my library's got a copy of Along for the Ride yet...


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