Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (56) + picture of Emmy

Question from Wendi: Do you Tweet? If so, what do you like best about Twitter? What do you like the least? Do you have any Twitter applications or extras that you use frequently (TweetDeck, TwitterFeed, etc)? Do you belong to any of the Twitter groups on LT?

I tweet! I like the community of it - you can write something and you never know who will respond. Sometimes whole fun conversations start up, though they can be hard to follow if you don't refresh constantly. I haven't tried any of the extras yet (they probably make things easier?), and I didn't know there were twitter groups on LT. If anyone wants to follow me, my handle is @lenoreva


We haven't seen Emmy since we left for New York City Thursday morning, but Daniel's brother just wrote and told me that she's doing fine at the neighbors. Or is she?


  1. You should definitely try out TweetDeck! It can be distracting because it is constantly updating, but it's much easier to keep up with what is going on.

  2. Aw! She wants to be mailed to you! ;)

  3. Darn, Amee took my comment. So all I can say is: ditto! :)

  4. No wonder people demand pictures of Emmy. She's freaking adorable!

  5. Emmy is adorable!

    I just joined Twitter so am still learning how to use it.

  6. When is your new baby coming home?

  7. awww so cute!

    I tweet :) Um, I do not use any of the apps and don't really plan to hehe

  8. Awww. I love the pictures of Emmy :)

  9. I think she is trying to get over to New York to see you.

  10. lol. I think she's trying to say she wants to packed up and sent to mom and dad. Too cute.

  11. Emmy is so cute!

    I'm not on Twitter as much as I should be, but I do have it!

  12. that Emmy...the pictures crack me up every week! I bet she is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new kitty. Have you been talking to her about him, and preparing her? LOL!

  13. awwww thats such a cute picture!!
    i think someone wants to be mailed :)

  14. Lol. Looks like she wants to be mailed to you.

  15. You can send that package full of Emmy right on over to my house! She is totally adorable.

  16. Every Tuesday, I wonder if Emmy can get any cuter. The answer is always a resounding YES.

  17. She's coming to visit you! Unfortunately, she'd probably arrive after you'd left :)

  18. Haha Emmy is so cool! Bet she'd demand first-class expedited service too :)

  19. I'll bet you were missing Emmy! You always get the cutest pictures. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week. ~ Wendi

  20. Emmy is the coolest cat ever! She's so cute. :)


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