Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (60) + picture of Emmy

This week, Wendi isn't asking about LT, but about Glue: Have you gotten Glue yet? If so, how do you like it? Do you follow Glue Genie on Twitter? Won anything in their quizzes?

I do not plan to get Glue, but I do follow Glue Genie on twitter. I have never actually finished a whole quiz, so I can't win, but I have answered random questions for the heck of it.


Emmy and Finn enjoying their new "cat palace".

Emmy exploring the whole palace (Yay! She likes it better than the box finally!)


Anonymous said...

Cute cats!

CeeCee said...

I'm thinking there could be a separate blog or weekly section devoted to your cats because they are very cute to look at.

Beth Kephart said...

(and don't you worry about getting up at any crazy hour!)

bermudaonion said...

I love Glue Genie! Emmy and Finn are sooo cute together in their palace.

Yvonne said...

I always love your kitty pictures.

Alea said...

Ooooh I want to play on the cat palace, fancy!

MySharonAnne said...

*squee!* I'm with Alea. Can I cuddle in their with your cats? They are so adorable!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Sassy - Every tuesday, right here.

Beth - We'll see!

Alea - We did get it 50% off and we figured they deserved it since they don't get to go outside and kill small baby animals (such as tapir babies).

Sharon - C'mon over!

caite said...

I am all for winning stuff, but GetGlue is a bit too high a price to pay IMHO.

I will not say the cats are cute, because you know they are. Ooops, I guess I did.

Alea said...

Oh man, well I'm glad they aren't out there killing tapir babies, that would be a real moral dilemma for me!

Ali said...

I want a kitty palace like that for me! (Maybe a little bigger, though).

I wish you would get Glue, I love it, & the more people who are on it the more useful it is.

Lorin said...

This LTT is the first I've heard of Glue. I guess because I'm not on Twitter, maybe?

That is an impressive cat palace!

ANovelMenagerie said...

That is the TOTAL cat palace! Lucky cats.

I just knew they'd end up loving each other. I love the cuddle pics.

I have three cats and they rarely cuddle anymore.

Ana S. said...

No Glue for me either. I'm not sure if I could handle one more internet thingie. But then again, I did say that about Twitter at first.

Teh kittehs sure look comfy :D

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Wow. What a palace! :)

Linda said...

now THAT is some palace! Kaitlin has wanted to get her cats one of those, but we didn't think they'd play in it and it would be a waste of money. They like boxes and bags anyway!

Marie Cloutier said...

awesome kitty pics, as always.
glue genie gives me hives. all those tweets- so spammy.

Darlene said...

That's just great! They looks so cute snuggled in there together.

Staci said...

My kitties would love that playground!! They're hilarious right now..they're stalking each other!

Kami Garcia said...

I love that picture!

Kami Garcia said...

I love that picture!

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

That looks like so much fun! I want one for me.

The Mapless Traveler said...

That is adorable. I have two cats myself and have been thinking about getting them a cat tree. But we currently have a very small one (a stand with three holes) that they rarely use. They are quite spoiled and picky so it's hard to find something that suits them just right! (I went through three cat beds before finding one that they would use!)

Lenore Appelhans said...

Mapless - we also have a small one with three holes that they never touch. They like this one because it is HIGH. Cats can't resist standing taller than everyone else in the room!

H said...

It looks like they're getting on very well now.

Dawn - She is Too Fond of Books said...

What a wonderful kitty condo! Looks like a fun place for Emmy and Finn to nap :)

(I don't have Glue either, but follow them on Twitter)

mare-bear said...

Wow, they have a pretty nice set up there.

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

Holy crap! That cat palace is bigger than some apartments I lived in :)

Daniel said...

i havn't posted them anywhere. i send you some per email.