Wednesday, June 24, 2009

WoW topic: Which authors need to release new books ASAP?

Trish and I were recently discussing that we are both anxiously awaiting Tana French's next novel, as yet untitled (as far as I know), which is set for summer 2010 and is rumored to center on Cassie's former boss when she worked undercover. IN THE WOODS was very good and THE LIKENESS is one of my all-time favorite books, so I'm counting on book 3 to wow me as well.

I am also excited that Audrey Niffenegger is finally coming out with a new book, HER FEARFUL SYMMETRY, on September 29th (see Alea's WoW post about it to see the cover if you haven't already). A lot of money riding on that one, as well as Dan Brown's new one (which I won't pick up - anytime soon at least - though I have to admit to reading THE DA VINCI CODE and ANGELS AND DEMONS).

Some books keep getting pushed back. David Mitchell's new one (slated for 2009 but now pushed back to 2010) is on my radar - hope it's more CLOUD ATLAS than BLACK SWAN GREEN though.

And what's going on with book 2 in the Joy of Spooking series by PJ Bracegirdle? It was supposed to come out this summer, but it isn't listed anywhere.

I would also most definitely be interested in new novels by Marcus Zusak, Lionel Shriver, Barbara Kingsolver, Douglas Coupland, and Michelle Richmond. (I've read or own 2 or more books by these authors, just to narrow it down a bit).

So tell me, in your opinion, which authors really need to announce that they are releasing a new book? You don't need to mention series books unless, like Joy of Spooking, they are overdue.


  1. I'm anxiously awaiting another book from Ann-Marie MacDonald. She's reworked one of her plays since THE WAY THE CROW FLIES came out, but there've been no more novels. Given how amazing her last two were, though, I'm willing to wait.

    I'm also pretty desperate for Scott Lynch's next book, but I've stopped holding my breath. It'll be done when it's done.

  2. Yes, it's about time for a new Audrey Niffenegger book. I had authors the other day that I was thinking-where is their newest book! But now of course I can't think of any.

  3. I always want an Inspector Wexford book by Ruth Rendell--I'm greedy. Hehe.

  4. Garth Nix is overdue to deliver a book. His 7-book days of the week series is missing its capstone, Lord Sunday, which was originally supposed to arrive this summer.

  5. I pretty much drooled all over the booth at BEA announcing the release day for Her Fearful Symmetry, pretty sure the men at the booth thought I was a crazy!

  6. I am desperately waiting for the third Abarat book. I'm a huge Clive Barker fan. I'm also dying to read Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices.

  7. Memory - I haven't read either of those authors. Will have to check them out.

    GBTQ - I have a ton more I'm sure.

    Sadako - I've read The Bridesmaid and The Minotaur (written as Barbara Vine) but never an Inspector Wexford book.

    Celi.a - Never even heard of that series *blush*

    Alea - Too bad they didn't have it there!

    Kami - I've never read Clive Barker. I really want to read more Cassie Clare after her short story in Geektastic and after meeting her at BEA.

  8. I can't wait for Audrey Niffenegger's new book either. And Barbara Kingsolver is coming out with a new book this fall! I mentioned it in a Friday Finds post recently. It's called The Lacuna and will be published in the fall.

  9. Hi avis - OOOH! Now I am super excited. Adding it to my wishlist and salivating...

  10. I can't wait until Ellen Hopkins newest is released in August!!

  11. Staci - I still need to read hers that I have on my shelf: Identical and Impulse. Must get over my fear of novels in verse, ha!

  12. Sarah Addison Allen's The Girl Who Chased the Moon was supposed to be out this year but was bumped to spring 2010!

  13. Celia -Lord Sunday is at the publisher and will be out spring of 2010..Mr.Nix will be realeasing a few chapters on his site and facebook soon!

  14. I'm really looking forward to David Mitchell's new book, but I loved Black Swan Green, so don't mind which of his older books it resembles!

    I've pre-ordered Her Fearful Symmetry too! It looks as though we have very simialr taste in books!

  15. Hmm, can you tell I was excited too? I had to mention it was coming out in the fall twice! I'm glad to hear Sarah Addison Allen is coming out with a new book too, although I haven't read her second one yet.

  16. SSL - Good to know for Nix fans.

    FLB - I liked Black Swan Green a lot, but not as much as his more experimental stuff.

    Avis - Now that you mention it... ;)

  17. Waiting for the sequel to Meyer's The Host!

  18. I want more magic from Susanna Clarke ... Jonathan Strange was 5 years ago.

  19. KB - There's a sequel to THE HOST? Though I'm not too interested in TWILIGHT, I was mulling over picking that one up. And now I find out it has a sequel...

  20. Kristen - I checked that out from the library a few times but it looked so long and daunting!

  21. I had heard The Host is the first in a trilogy planned. The second book was to be titles The Soul, but who knows with all the Twilight movies going on?

  22. I still want/need to read Into the Woods and The Likeness. I've wanted too for awhile now..

    but um, who needs to write something new? It hasn't been that long at all, but I really want something new from Augusten Burroughs. I love his humor!

    Nick Hornby is finally coming out with something new so I WANT THAT!!


  23. Douglas Coupland is a great choice. I want more from Brett Easton Ellis & Poppy Z. Brite!

  24. A Match Made in Highschool got pushed back to 2010 and I'm disapointed about that. It takes so long for Rachel Maude to come out with Poseur books. They always get pushed back another month and only one comes out a year. I don't like Poseur books though. Also, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Guide was supposed to come out in December of last year but they have to make it more 'special' so it got pushed back but I somehow doubt that they needed this much time seeing as it's June.

  25. I knpow its horrible but I'd like to finally have the end of the Clan of the Cave Bear series, as well as Diana Gabaldon's new one. But at least that is out in September in the US, I think.

  26. Nancy Farmer seriously needs to come out with another awesome book like The House of the Scorpion it was beyond amazing.

    I'd say Marjorie Kellogg but..she died :(

    david cristofano NEEDS to release another book. I loved his debut novel the girl she used to be. :D

    Hmm can't really think of any more at the moment. :)

  27. Robin Benway and Jay Asher need to release new books NOW. I'm dying over here.

  28. Haha, someone already beat me to Nancy Farmer and Jay Asher both. And I have to admit, I really would love to see another book added to The Host (supposed) series. Nothing was set in stone, she said, but she did say she would like to write more stories about it.

    And Kara Dalkey needs to get her butt in gear and write something new. One of my favorite Asian stories, Little Sister, is amazing and feels totally incomplete as it stands with only two books. I don't know if anyone has even heard of her. I haven't seen anything from her in years.

  29. Oh yes, very much looking forward to her fearful Symmetry and David Mitchell's new book. Also would like a new book by AS Byatt and Marcus Zusac. Prefer Garth Nix's Sabriel series to his Mister Monday series and hope Nick Horby's new book is adult not YA - Slam was horrible but High Fidelity is one of my all time favorites. I'd also love to see a new Terry Pratchett discworld book.

  30. I am a bit different than the rest of your blog readers. I am looking forward to the latest Karen Kingsbury book, which was released today and I just ordered on Amazon.

  31. I would love to hear that Sarah Waters is coming out with something new, and I am excited about Margaret Atwood is coming out with a new novel. I also had no idea that Audrey Niffenegger is coming out with something new! I am now excited about that too.

  32. Ever since seeing the book cover at BEA, I'm eagerly awaiting The Swan Thieves by the author of The Historian!

  33. I'm chomping on the bit to read Carrie Ryan's sequel to The Forest of Hands and Teeth, but I can be patient.

  34. Jen Calonita! I can't wait another year for the next Secrets of my Hollywood Life book! And Carol Weston needs to write another Melanie Martin book...

    Great topic!

  35. I really wish Stephenie Meyer would say she is going to release a completed Midnight Sun. I'm also dying that Gone by Lisa McMann and Matthew Reilly's next book is not due out until 2010!

  36. Douglas Coupland has a new one coming out in the fall called Generation A - I'm really excited about it!

  37. Lauren - Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs was funny. Haven't read anything else.

    Zibilee - Sarah Waters does have a new one... or do you mean newer than that?

    Stephanie - Wasn't a big fan of The Historian (too long) but I'd give her another chance.

    PJ - Me too!

    Joanne - OMG! Awesome news! It is so on my wishlist now!!

  38. Yes, Kingsolver has come out with The Lacuna for the fall, as avisannschild said. I am a fan of Jeffery Deaver but I believe he is or just did come out with a new one as well. I would also like to see more by Khaled Hosseini.

  39. Franny Billingsley. I loved loved loved The Folk Keeper and Well Wished was great too. But aside from her 2008 PB, she hasn't had anything come out in WAY too long! Wikipedia shows she has 2 novels coming out, but not scheduled yet. Boo!

  40. ooh, I hadn't heard about Audrey N.'s new book. I can't WAIT!

  41. I'm waiting for Ann Patchett to grab me with a book the way BEL CANTO did. Last year's RUN had a lot going for it, but the bar is set very high :)

  42. Tana French for sure, though apparently her next book isn't due until summer 2010. Bummer, huh?

    I wish Wally Lamb would write more. I loved both SHE'S COME UNDONE and I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE.

    Someone mentioned Ann Patchet, and I'd love it if she wrote faster. I didn't read RUN, but I *believe* I've read everything else she's written.

    Barbara Kingsolver would be another great one.

    Suzanne Collins can't write fast enough either. :)

    This will be an interesting question for me in six months, as I intend to read quite a few new YA books, so I might have a few more authors to add to the list.

  43. Hey! Thanx for this beautiful place of the Inet!!

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