Friday, July 10, 2009

Book Review: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

July reading started out with a HUGE bang. I read my most anticipated book of the year – and it managed to live up to my unrealistic expectations (I did fly all the way from Germany to attend BEA just so I could stand in line at 5:30 am for a ticket to a signing that didn't guarantee I'd get the book – so if it sucked, I would have been mega bitter).

Haven’t read HUNGER GAMES yet? Go and do that and then come back and read the rest of this review.

At the end of the HUNGER GAMES, I was ready to dig through Suzanne Collins’ trash just to get a peek at what might happen. I mean I figured we were going to get some unrest in Panem (after all, Katniss’ little trick was a major act of defiance that everyone saw), a nice Gale-Peeta-Katniss love triangle, maybe Katniss doing some more butt-kicking. But how was Collins going to top the actual Hunger Games? What else could have that kind of emotional immediacy and tension?

The beginning chapters build slowly, reintroducing all our favorite survivors from book 1 and increasingly throwing new challenges at them which causes them to develop in sometimes surprising ways. Midway through the novel, we get something jaw-droppingly shocking and pretty much pure genius. And then, before you catch your breath, it ends - on another cliffhanger that ensures book 3 will be on everyone’s most coveted list, just like CATCHING FIRE is/was.

So yeah, if you’re a HUNGER GAMES fan, do what you have to do to get your hands on this novel. Even if it means waiting until the actual September 1st release date (the hardest thing you'll ever do, I know).

Oh… Reviewer X is giving another copy away. Go get it!


  1. Wasn't it fabulous? I didn't think there was any possible way it could live up to my expectations, but it did. I almost died at the cliffhanger ending, though. (Seriously, there was defibrillator involved. lol This book should have a warning label)

  2. Great review! Now I want to read it even more. Why must September be so far away?!

  3. Aargh! I haven't even read The Hunger Games yet. I've got it (and a ton of other books) in my stack to take to the beach, so maybe I'll get to it then.

  4. I haven't read the Hunger Games yet so I didn't read your review but I'm just so glad you liked it! After reading the first paragraph I had to giggle. I'll be back to this after I read the first book, which should be soon...hopefully lol

  5. Another cliff-hanger!? I may wait until book three is out before continuing with this series :)

  6. Glad you weren't disappointed! (And jealous that I haven't read it yet!)

    I should e-mail you back soon; needed to dig out my schedule.

  7. Great review & I LOVED the Hunger Games!

  8. I want this book SO bad!

  9. Oh I more excited than ever now!
    I've been entering every contest know to man to get this book! I'd compete in the Hunger Games for this book! I've been waiting for ever!!!

  10. I think I might've liked this one even better than the first. It was fantastic and in no way a disappointment. Great review!!

  11. We loved Hunger Games and are so looking forward to Catching Fire. This is one of my most look forward book releases.

  12. I CANNOT wait to get/read this book! I knew a bookseller and I told her she has to let me know the moment it arrives!!

  13. These books are so good! Suzanne Collins is brilliant!

  14. Thanks for the tip on the giveaway!

    Howz the kitteh?

  15. I finished The Hunger Games not too long ago and loved it. I can't wait to get my hands on this book!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  16. I have pre-ordered Catching Fire, September seems far away. I didn't dare to read your review.

  17. Now you've got me drooling! I despertly want to read this book. I loved Hunger Games.

  18. love this book. :] by the way, you're now up on the word directory of blogs. 'cause your blog rocks. XD it's on the website; you can get to it through the blog.

  19. I am so super excited about this book, but I am probably going to have to wait until the release date to get my hands on a copy. After I get done with it, I will be passing it to my kids, who are just about as anxious for it as I am!

  20. Reviewer X is giving away a Catching Fire ARC! Click here to enter:

  21. ^uh...yeah. I did mention that in my post...

  22. I think if there was an award for "went to most trouble to get a book" you'd definitely win it!

  23. wow, your main reason for attending BEA from Germany was to obtain a copy of Catching Fire! Amazing dedication. I just read The Hunger Games for the book club. I can't wait for my copy of Catching Fire to come in the mail once Amazon mails it to me.

  24. I'm dying to get my hands on this book! XD

  25. I also was IN LOVE with this book, though I have to say I'm more inclinded to dig through Suzanne Collins trash now in my desperate need to know what's going to happen!


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