Monday, July 13, 2009

Book Review: Dull Boy by Sarah Cross

Avery may appear normal on the surface, but he’s hiding a big secret – he is super-strong and he can fly. That’d be cool if he could actually use his powers openly, but he’s afraid of what that might mean (vivisection anyone?). When he meets other teens like himself and a mysterious woman who offers him the chance to take his powers to the next level, Avery has to figure out just who has his best interests at heart.

Although the overarching plot was pretty standard comic book origins/heroes vs villains fare, I had a constant smile on my face thanks to Avery’s good-natured sarcasm and all the hilarious situations he gets into with his new super friends. I especially adored the characterizations of Darla, a mad robotics genius and Catherine, a grumpy, tough-as-claws catwoman and their scenes at the coffee shop, in their reform school and on their (self-given) missions to take down a mugger and save missing boy scouts.

It was such a joy to read, I even took it to the beach with me on my Barcelona trip and read until it grew too dark to see. The ending is left open for a sequel, and although I was expecting a stand-alone book, I’d be thrilled to hang out with Avery and company if their adventures continue to be so inventive and fun. Find out more about the novel, which is available now in hardcover, at Sarah's website.

PS - I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah at BEA and even got a picture with her, which I promised to keep under wraps. But hey, at least you get the beach scene right?


  1. I think my son would love this one. I'd show him your review, but then he'd think he should go to Barcelona to read it.

  2. I'm looking forward to this one!

  3. Wow, that's a lovely picture! And the "good-natured sarcasm" sounds right up my alley. Looking forward to it.

  4. My best friend from school was called Sarah Cross, so I really want to read this. I'm pleased it is good too!

  5. Woah! What a nice picture! I want to be there!

  6. This book is on my wishlist. I think that there are too few 'teen books' with male protagonists. Dull Boy looks stellar. Thanks for your review!

  7. This looks so cool and that's so awesome you got to meet the author. Meeting authors is always the best.

  8. Such a pretty picture, I love beaches at dusk. Dull Boy sounds really great, it sounds like a good one for me to recommend to parents looking for books for comic-crazy kids.

  9. Loved the photo! I've had this on my wish list.

  10. My new goal in life: have my book published and you take a pic of it on the beach :)

    I'm a little over half-way done with this one (you read so FAST!! I can't keep up!) and really enjoying the story.

  11. I want to read this one so bad! And wow, I wish I'm on vacation now. In summer school, boo!

  12. I'm digging this story!! Both of my boys are huge super hero freaks and I'm always looking for books with a boy as the main character. I love that picture...lovely!!

  13. This sounds like fun, and I just love her website! I'll want to read it now! :)

  14. I totally love that picture. And I dig me some super heroes but still was hesitant about this book. I just may have to pick me up a copy =)

    P.S. I have an award for you here:

  15. That cover is great. I like watching super heroes but I haven't read that many books about them. Barcelona could help that!

  16. Kathy - He should!

    Beth - That is a very worthy goal - lol.

    infiniteshelf - I love her website too!

  17. glad to hear you liked the book. so did i! was sarah out of her superhero costume in the picture? are you trying to keep her real identity intact, thus no pic? hmmm.

  18. I think my son would love this book. I will have to add it to my next book order for him.

  19. coveting a spot on that beach!

    Now, why would you need to keep the photo under wraps? What wildness did you get into at BEA? :)

  20. Not TOO much wildness Dawn. Sarah is just camera shy I think :)


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