Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's My July - I'll Read What I Want To!

I declare July a guilt-free reading zone! I will pick up whatever book catches my fancy without feeling a lick of remorse for all those books I should be reading in my review pile. July is all about recapturing the joy of reading without a schedule. I will read books I bought, books I borrowed, books from the library, books that don't come out for a long time - whatever.

And I'm starting with CATCHING FIRE.

You might notice too that I've added a GoodReads widget to my sidebar that indicates what I am currently reading. Right now, in addition to CATCHING FIRE, I have listed THE ADORATION OF JENNA FOX by Mary E. Pearson (because her new one THE MILES BETWEEN blew me away - expect a review/interview on Monday July 6th) and DULL BOY by Sarah Cross.

PS: Lauren Barnholdt is holding a giveaway for a copy of CATCHING FIRE. Go enter now!


  1. I hope you have an awesome time reading anything and everything you wish!

  2. You GO girl! I did the same thing back in March and completely enjoyed myself - it was so nice to take a break and simply read for the pure joy of it. Have a great time this month!

  3. Reading for the fun of it? Are you sure that's even legal?

    Enjoy yourself!

  4. How can you fail to have a great reading month when you start off with Catching Fire? I'm so jealous! Enjoy it!

  5. Make great use of July. I hope you enjoy all the books you choose to read :D

  6. Yay Lenore!! I am going to take a break from tours in July (other than the ones I've already signed up for, lol!) and catch up on my review pile. August is going to be my "read for fun" month. =)

  7. Yay! July is going to be a good, good month!

  8. I'm using July for catching up and getting ahead, so it's a little less "planned" this month for me!

  9. Good for you! Enjoy that guilt free reading! Can't wait to find out what you think of Catching Fire.

  10. Good idea! Hope you enjoy ^_^

    ~ Popin

  11. Yay. I'm feeling guilty right now for reading books in the wrong order and I don't even have Catching Fire as an excuse! Enjoy your break.

  12. Mid-summer sounds like a good time to read what you want! Enjoy Catching Fire!!

  13. What a good idea Lenore! I really need to the same thing soon!

  14. Yay!! I'm glad that you're taking this time out just for you!! Enjoy it!

  15. I feel that I did too many tours in June. July really should be a free month! I really want to read Jenna Fox.

  16. Excellent idea! I hope you have a wonderful reading month.

    Over here, I've decided to wallow in chunksters throughout July, even if it means I only read six or seven books all month.

  17. I would congratulate you...but really, should we always read what we want?

    Hmmm...might explain a few of those ARC that I should have read months ago...hmmmm

  18. Catching Fire is great. Enjoy it and enjoy the freedom. I have to admit, I only ever read books I want to read, except for my book group books...

  19. Caite - Of course we SHOULD. But I tend to get caught up in obligations so this month is just about not feeling guilty that I'm i.e. putting one book before another that's been waiting longer.

  20. Enjoy your guilt-free reading! I love the idea. I have been cutting way down on my committed reviews and readings and I am looking forward to more carefree reading. I took your idea of looking through Review copies and books and readind the first chapter and deciding if it was worth a read. I've done a few and have made a pile to pass on. I also cleared my shelves and sold a box of books and have a stack of books to donate to the library. It was a great feeling to see my book piles more streamlined!

  21. Reading without a schedule sounds fun. The other thing that sounds fun is being able to read a book that's bad and just stop mid-way through instead of having to finish so I can write the post for my blog.

    Have fun in July.

  22. Have fun! I'm sure you will, with the hotly-anticipated Catching Fire at the top of your list. I'm constantly switching up my TBR pile, but Dull Boy is near the top for me too.

  23. Happy reading! Looking forward to reading your review of Catching Fire.


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